I admit that I cried like a baby throughout most of the movie. I rented it last night and it was great. I love dogs, I have a beautiful white Canaanite dog named Snow and after watching the film I gave her a big hug and kiss. If you are a dog lover like me than "Eight Below" is definitely a must see.
I cried like a baby too..... I love animal movies and i hate to see animals die:( I have a Chocolate Lab and after the watching movie I gave him a big hug and was like I will never leave my dog for 175 days!!!(and my dogs name is Jack!) so when old Jack died in the movie i cried for such a long time:( But this is a great movie.
In real life they were left for one whole year, not six months. They believe that the only reason the two brothers survived is because they were the only two that were actually born in Antarctica.
I agree with everyone! This movie was so sad!! I just love animals, especially dogs, although I love all kinds, and this made me cry so much! I was crying basically ever since the dogs got left behind, and I was so glad that Maya was alive at the end but I was sad about Jack and the twin dog dying. The part where the twin died and his twin rested his head on him, I just burst out crying out loud. It is a good thing that I didn't see this movie in theatres cuz I would have bothered everyone by sobbing.. it was just sooo sad but so good but I dont think I could watch it again.
I just saw it a couple of minutes ago, I was very surprised that I liked it. It just didn't seem appealing to me and their was nothing else on so I just watched it and I'm a huge dog lover, I hate to see dogs hurt, or in pain so this movie tore at my heart strings, thank god I was watching it alone.. :)
I cried throughout most of it too! After I saw it I was still cring because they left Old Jack there to die, they all left to go get the seagalls and left him! I loved the movie.. but I dont think i could ever put my self up to see it again! I cried for like and hour after it was over!
just recently watched the movie again and what got to me is the part where Max tries to give the bird, or food, I should say, to Maya, but Maya does not accept it and instead gives it back to Max, I don't know, that part was touching for a dog movie.
I'm a 35 year old man with children and I cried like a baby too. I can handle people dying alot easier than seeing a dog die. Thery're always there for you no matter what the circumstances are and they're always faithful. Guess that's why this movie got to me so much.
There's just something special between man and dog.
Great movie! The dogs should get best actor/actress of the year awards!
The ending to the original Japanese movie that inspired Eight Below will definitely make you cry. Since mostly everyone here hasn't seen it, I uploaded the ending on Youtube. You learn that 6 dogs were missing at sea/ice, 7 died while still chained to their posts, and only 2 survived.
I didn't read the entire board, hehe, because I haven't seen it yet. I WAS gonna watch it, to dedicate it to my dog who died when this movie was in theatres, but no one would come with me because they were all busy, so I didn't get to watch this. I want to rent it badly. :(
i watched this movie while babysitting.... and i bawled like a baby. i think i started when they left them behind, and pretty much cried through the ending and after it was over. and one of the kids told me in advance that they don't all make it, and it somehow made things worse. i felt stupid too, b/c they weren't crying (granted they had seen it before and i hadn't) but i couldn't help it. i agree with the person above me. i have 4 dogs and i love them more than anything. i'd never leave without them, no matter the circumstances.
All of you are not alone. I cried so much! I own a baby german shepard & I love him so much & I would NEVER leave him like these stupid idiots did with their dogs. He is such a sweet heart & I can never break his heart.
I did too. Dog movies always get to me. My Dog Skip, Eight Below, etc. It's one reason why I STILL choose not to see Old Yeller.
I can't even begin to nme all the parts that got to me. But three of them were of COURSE the end when Max shows Jerry where Maya is, and then when the twin died, but the WORST was when Jack wouldn't get off the line. I don't know what's worse, that he didn't ecpe, or that he chose not to, as if he knew he wouldn't make it.
Oh yeah, and of course the scene when the Doc finds the drawing his son about his heros being the dogs for saving his dad. I liked that scene
yeah...... i'll cry when people die in movies... but when a dog dies? i cry like 10 times harder. i was just in tears all through this movie.
i cried for my dog skip too.... i'm just a big softee. we watched "where the red fern grows" in 4th grade, and when the dog(s?) died..... i came home from school crying.
i tend to avoid dog movies like this, even though this was a good movie. i just cried waaaaay too much.
So did I! I still do, every time I watch it. It's definately a tear-jerker, and it strikes close to home because I can imagine how it would feel to have my dogs out there.
Me too. I cried, it was so sad that two of the dogs had to die. Poor babies. I've had a beagle, a German Shepard, a black lab and a yellow lab. I just don't have time for dogs anymore, I have a cat. But I love dogs. The dogs in the movie were beautiful and very well trained.