Severely Underrated

I avoided this film for years because it had ridicule coming from a lot of people for some reason. When I watched it recently, I discovered it must have been due to Paris Hilton being part of the cast.

Either way, this film does deserve a higher score than it has on here. A 7 would be fitting because this movie is actually next level creepy and tremendously suspenseful. The main girl is the only one who showed any real acting ability, though everyone else did passable jobs, And some of the haracters did stupid cliche things like take a ride from a stranger you don't know and think was the person behind the vehicle you smashed a headlight from.

But overall, I was highly entertained and engaged and I'm baffled by the score this movie has. If left up to me, I'd give it a 7-7.5. I enjoyed it.


I agree. It surprised me how enjoyable this movie was. I had fun watching it, I gave it a 7.


Especially when the horrible remake of Friday the 13th has a 5.6... and this one is only 0.1 above the awful Nightmare remake. This one was much better than most remakes.


Great point, this flick is 10x better than both of those garbage fires. I also echo the general sentiment of this thread. I've always liked this one for some reason, but it got a lot of hate when it first came out. It seems the years have been kind to it though and people are starting to come around.

But if you compare it to the average slasher right now it's actually very watchable. Like I said in another post, compared to the pg-13 teeny bopper turkeys coming out today, this is a classic.


Totally agree here man. This movie has aged quite well, & definitely at least partially for the reasons you mentioned.

But really, I saw this years ago already aware of it's poor rep, & pretty much only watched it to see the Paris Hilton death I didn't give it a fair shake at all. Shamed to admit it now though, because this film is definitely solid as far as modern day slashers go


Movie was mediocre; nothing more, nothing less.

A bright light can hollow the deepest of nothingness.
