MovieChat Forums > Wedding Crashers (2005) Discussion > Is it that easy to crash weddings

Is it that easy to crash weddings

Don't most weddings have seat plans and assigned numbers yet these two guys just pitch up, sit down wherever they want and have infinite amounts of food on hand. And yet no one ever questions who the hell they are, let alone the brides and grooms they are partying with at the start


American situational comedies generally do not even resemble realism.

The night is dark and full of terrors


I think the idea is that they know how to pick and choose their weddings.

Yeah, at my wife and my wedding of 30 people, someone would have noticed.

But some of these weddings are massive productions with hundreds and hundreds of guests. Caterers, coordinators, musicians, etc. etc. etc. No one's going to know if someone else doesn't belong because it's probably the first time most of them have ever met each other in the first place.

Lots of people are going to know that they don't know the two guys. But no one's going to know that they're not someone anyone else knows.

Then, to top it off, they're masters at knowing how to act, what to say, what not to say, etc. to blend right in and become the life of the party.

Works for me. :)


Did you miss the part about the place cards? You could easily sneak in after dinner, but couldn't sit down for dinner without getting busted most times.

This movie is complete dogsh*t anyway, so what's the difference...


I can kind of see where a big wedding can get crashed. A college buddy of mine got married in the mid 90s, he was from a wealthy family in Illinois and he married a woman who came from a wealthy family. The wedding was a big production, to the point (I hadn't seen this before and haven't seen it since) where a family friend was emcee for the whole reception. Seriously, he would go to the podium and say "and now it's time for the bride and groom's first dance..." It was pretty puke inducing to most normal people. Anyway, the reception was so big with so many people, I barely knew more than 10 or 20, which were all mutual college buddies with the groom. Most people had no clue who I was, and it's not like anyone ever asked me who the *beep* I was and what I was doing there.


Don't most weddings have seat plans and assigned numbers

Some do, some don't. In any case, I've been to a lot of weddings (by invite, of course) which, upon reflection, it would have been incredibly easy to get into without invitation. Even if there were numbers and seating assignments, you could just show up slightly late, find a seat that wasn't taken, and use it. Or if nothing else just hang out by the bar, then the dance floor, mingle, etc. Hardly anyone would seriously notice, and as mentioned, anyone who didn't know you would just assume that someone else knew you.


My wedding had a handful of people uninvited show up to the reception. Basically one of the guests invited their friends who came in after dinner ended and everyone was up dancing and stuff. They were noticeable because they were wearing street clothes. I told the bar staff they aren't guests so don't serve them, but I'm not sure if they got kicked out or not. They can also be seen in my wedding video.


Ugh, how obnoxious! Sorry your reception got crashed.


It's not that difficult if the wedding is big enough and there are a lot of people. If you act inconspicuous, try to blend in, and, the most important thing--convince yourself that you were invited--I hardly doubt anyone would question why they were there. It would be rude to ask someone celebrating with others at a wedding, "What are you doing here?" or "Who are you?" Plus, the bridal party is too wrapped up with other things to notice every single guest who's there.

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


I think it would be possible at a very large formal wedding. Inviting the children of a relative that that no one has seen in many years, and then having the relative not show due to health issues etc., is fairly common.


The weddings they crashed were huge 100+ guest list. I went to a wedding once where me and my boyfriend were the ONLY ones at are table. there were like 15-20 people who said they'd be there who didnt show up. I would be SO mad. I get that something may come up and a few guests couldnt make it, but when you are paying $60 a head, thats a lot of loss money.


Actually very easy at a big wedding .....500+ at mine and there could have been 50 crashers and I wouldn't have had any idea


Crashing has to be done after the dinner and once the party is well underway with the guests already sauced. Also, it must be a wedding of over 200 people. Even with 100, you will get noticed as being a stranger.


500+ at mine

Wow!! I hope you're not still paying for that after the divorce!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Lol nope .... we paid cash


I knew a guy that was at a pub with his friends in Darwin and a big cyclone was coming. They were told to head back home and batten down the hatches. They all piled into a truck and spent 3 days at home drinking beer and bbq till the storm passed. On the third day one of the girls asked who that guy was in the lounge room, no one knew who he was, turned out he jumped in the truck with them at the pub three days earlier. They booted him out.


I crashed a wedding reception once during the late 1990s when I was initially legitimately at the wedding reception of a good friend of mine. The wedding reception was in a building that was holding like three wedding receptions simultaneously. After being at my buddy's wedding reception for a while, I wasn't digging any of the single women there so I decided to crash one of the other ones. I stayed for about an hour or so before returning to the one that I was supposed to be at. I didn't get any action that night, but you can't blame a guy for trying can you? I vaguely remember dancing with some Asian chick. And also, because my flight arrived late I didn't even make it to my friend's wedding so I just attended the reception (minus the hour when I was crashing the other one).
