Well that sounds like someone with an agenda of some sort. But this was a fantastic movie. Of course the dialog will be somewhat "cheesy" when you depend on subs and can't speak the language. If you watch many subbed movies, it often seems that way. This movie was first rate all around. The only thing I found off putting was it seemed somewhat ham-fisted in it's attempt at being anti-war. Of course we get it - war sucks. But there hardly seemed an attempt to explain why they went to war. As if they were happily enjoying there little world then the gov't went and decided to be invaded! Idiots, what were they thinking? Would the alternative been to not go to war and be taken over? That is also a short sighted portrayal, but I think the point is valid.
I don't know if anyone get's where I'm coming from. I don't think it should be rah-rah about it. It just seemed as if all sides were evil except for the humble shop owner/ students whose lives were gonna be screwed with in any event. Maybe they should have moved to Canada or Hawaii before the war?
But this was a great movie regardless. "Saving Private Ryan" was outstanding as well, despite it's flaws, and to say otherwise lessens your influence as a critic.