MovieChat Forums > Batman Begins (2005) Discussion > Should Harvey Dent or Selina Kyle have b...

Should Harvey Dent or Selina Kyle have been introduced here?

First off, I want to say that Batman Begins is my favorite superhero film and my favorite Nolan film next to Memento and I'm not criticizing this film. I do love the Dark Knight, although I do feel the film has some flaws and I found the Dark Knight Rises to be very disappointing (although at least not the trainwrecks that Man of Steel and Batman V Superman turned out to be).

But I'm talking about for the trilogy as a whole, would it had benefited if they had established the characters of Harvey Dent and Selina Kyle early on?

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A brief scene or two with their characters (mainly Dent) would have been fine. But anything more than that? I don't see what they could've added to the movie.


With Selina Kyle a better female presence than Rachel Dawes.


I like Rachel in BB just fine.

You could argue that she broke Bruce’s spirit “a bit” and he had no good reason to try to prove himself to her, but to my mind Bruce needed someone like her... someone that had been a big part of his life and made him see things in a different way... at this point in his life more than he needed Selina.

Her character was flawed, yes, but I do believe the bad rap she gets is a little unfair. And overall, despite the questionable chemistry and connection, I appreciate the dynamic between her and Bruce.


The whole her constant berating of Bruce and unrequited love aspect alienated her from audiences and made her come off as unsympathetic.




Yes. Wish they could've done more with those characters, Two Face was like a potential three film villain who became a secondary villain for the second.
