Why the SUPER FAKE beard?

That beard looked PARTICULaRLY fake on the Beard-Man. Not natural looking at all. I'm sure Hollywood stylists could do a better job, if they needed. It didn't even match the head hair.
What was the point of that fakery?

I own you.


I interpreted it as comic relief. Everything about the company big wigs were supposed to parody the monotony and mundanity of corporate life. And the ultra fake beard kind of adds to that effect- like they are so absorbed in their jobs and moving up the corporate ladder that they themselves are fake.


>I interpreted it as comic relief. Everything about the company big wigs were supposed to parody the monotony and mundanity of corporate life.

I suspect it's more than just this film, but thinking back to some other big films Stiller has done, he has a very cartoony sensibility much of the time. Ludicrous exaggeration is his modus operandum, in this film, Zoolander, and the dodgeball one.


They gave him a died beard on purpose to further illustrate that he's a douche bag. In real life, guys in their late 30's, early 40's start to go grey in the face or get patches of grey in their beards.

Only a complete douche would die his beard to appear younger. So he's trying to be cool and hip like all the other guys with beards, but he has to die it to fit in and try to look good. He's a phony... and his beard is just another obvious clue.


Best answer I've read yet, however I'd not give the character late 30s. Maybe just me or I watched it too long ago, but I thought he looked 30, not more. How old is the actor, BTW?

I own you.


Adam Scott is 41 IRL. There was a scene when he smiled that exposed the wrinkles around his eyes and gave away his real age.


OK, thanks. I pronounce you the winner, somehow I like your answer better than Scott's.

I own you.


Since no one is going to click on the link and read the interview Scott did about the beard I'll copy and paste it:

Cody: I have to ask you about the beard in the movie. It seems like it’s almost an intimidation beard you have going on and there’s purposely a lot of attention drawn to it. What was the inspiration behind the beard and was that something you brought or something that Ben brought?

Adam Scott: You know it was in Steve Conrad’s script. He wrote that Ted had a “business beard” and Ben said he wanted it to be kind of like a Grecian beard. Like in the 80’s they had those commercials for Grecian formulas to dye your beard. So the beard is an intimidation beard. Ted Hendricks is the ultimate alpha male and the beard is kind of a sign of his masculinity. “I’m going to have the best beard in the world and I’m going to fire you while you’re looking at my beard.” It’s almost like a distraction when he walks in the room. You’re kind of marveled. It’s a hypnotizing beard, is what it is. So you’re distracted while he’s firing you from your job.

you can read the whole interview here:


Yes, but that still doesn't answer whether it was fake or not.


I just watched Birdman with an equally bad fake bread - it's the latest Hollywood trend


Oh, please, no, Hollywood!
I own you.https://goo.gl/0avZjB


Because bearded douchebags are just so. And clones.
