'The Most Boring, Tedious, Solemn, Self-Important Film Ever Made'
That's what this movie should have been called. 'Nuf said.
shareThat's what this movie should have been called. 'Nuf said.
shareThere's a good story here wrapped in a lot of detours and way too many subplots and side characters. 7/10 stars from me for the effort.
shareYour comment, the ignorance it shows and its shallow,pathetic sarcasm is so typical of the young"knowitalls" that flood our internet with their cynical ignorant and simplistic often lftist view of the world. If you ever served as a soldier you would not have been in intelligence or counterintelligence as stupidity eliminates people who are, very quickly.
The film precis's much and compresses even more and actually sticks to the general truth which in itself is a miracle and the exposure of what such patriotic dedication does to man and his family no matter what other people think. These are the ones who die for people like you and who also send others to die to defend your right to post such rubbish. However i feel sure that to erven grasp this is well beyond your capacity. Perhsp one of the Bourne movies might make you more happy.
I didn't think it was boring, but I do think it was overwrought, perhaps, and emotionally self indulgent. I had a few professors in college who were ex IC, and they were rather on the fence about the movie. It isn't cartoony or overly preachy, necessarily, but it tries to interweave what are essentially loosely connected, often themselves overly intricate vignettes (The love story, the cross he has to bear, separation from his son, a near-episode series of spastic transitions from one operation to the next) into a cohesive narrative, but doesn't quite do it. The biggest problems my professors had was not even the Bay of Pigs thing (which due to the content will probably not see a decent rendition for another 60 years), but the gentleman's agreement with the Russians for getting rid of the girl. Not that backroom deals don't happen, but simply that such a personal risk, and giving up a valuable agent, would NEVER HAPPEN in that context (too unsustainable, too many things to go wrong, plus he--Matt Damon) basically burned himself, from a field standpoint). So basically, its a film that tries really hard, isn't boring per se, but tries to do way too much even in 3 hours, with a rather brittle climax due to its own internal constraints. My problem is not with the characters or portrayals but with the plot.
When I said "Episode" I meant "episodic"
shareI didn't think so and obviously my oppinion and taste is law.
Nah it's a matter of tastes. Certainly I'm not allways in the mood for a movie like this and just want some light entertainment.
Funnily enough I caught myself thinking 2001 A space odyssey when looking at the topic line. I rather like that movie as well.
"just want some light entertainment." Boy, did you ever pick the wrong film :-)
This is a very serious film about a very serious subject. I agree that the treatment could have been less convoluted (why the jumping back and forth in time? Perhaps I missed some subtleties there. I'm ready to consider that the fault was in my perception rather than in De Niro's conception.) I also agree that far too much time and space were given to the personal life (fictional or otherwise) of a man whose personality was wholly subordinate to his obsession with his job. Anyone interested in the 'truth' (so far as it can ever be known about someone whose life was so wholly wrapped in shadow) can find some of it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Jesus_Angleton#Resignation
I love intricate spy movies and adore Matt Damon, but I felt like this one was going on for days! It took several tries for me to get it going. Then I kept checking the timer to see how much was left and what else they were possibly going to try to cram in. Could have been interesting but just way too long and trying too hard.
shareI actually agree with you OP
I wish I liked this movie, but it's bad. It's forced/fake delicate slow and old, obviously made with the mind only, and does not draw me in. Dead flick.
But I guess we need some winters to enjoy the summers, right ;)
You know what? I really like all of the actors in this, and especially the director, and have done for years.
But I feel the same as you do about the film. I know I'm not being unreasonable when I have every reason to like a film - subject matter, actors involved, producers/director - but just don't.
I feel that with work on the pacing it could have kept all the good aspects but made it more accessible to many more people, including peo9ple by myself, who SHOULD have liked it.
Please do not make negative comments about a film YOU NEVER SAW. It makes you look stupid.
I usually like this sort of movies, but I fell asleep! Here's to second chances..tonight. At the same time I'm thinking; should I have to work on liking a movie?