MovieChat Forums > Along Came Polly (2004) Discussion > 5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List

5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List

1 Along Came Polly
2 Duplex
3 My Boss' Daughter
4 Marci X
5 Titan AE

In all seriousness, I don't want to criticize "Along Came Polly" *that* bad. It had some funny moments. And if I had a choice of watching a movie like this or Ben Stiller in a drama, I'd choose something like this. But, I wasn't satisfied with how I felt leaving the theater. I think it was the writing. Oh well.


I Wish I Hadn't Seen:

Home Alone 3 (different actor than in first two parts)
Ghost Ship
Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) (different actors than in first two parts)
Jurassic Park III (sucked a lot, not like first two ones)


God, two of the worst movies are:

Legally Blonde 2
Object of My Affection

^I cannot STAND them!



What exactly is the point in all of this?

I like Chigao- I hate Chicago- how can you say that and so on!!!

People have differences of opinion- 1 guy's top ten may be someone elses worst 10, if you believe it why should you give a damn what anyone else thinks.

I happen to think Batman and Robin is the worst film ever made but someone out there probably likes it and good luck to them.

I didn't like Jeepers Creepers that much- why does that mean I can't give the second one a chance?

Hulk was the one of the best films of last year in my opinion and nobody is going to change that,I understand why some people didn't like it, for me it was the closest I have seen a comic book as a medium put on film. I don't necissarily mean the story, which I liked anyway, but in the way the film was constructed.

The Hours- a film a lot of people rave about, however I would rather spoon out my eyes than sit through it but I don't give a damn if someone else wants to sing it's praises.

PS- I thought Chicago was pointless and cannot believe it won best picture- go figure.


If you think you can make a good it!


hmmm--- toughie
along came polly sucked, but it wasn't that bad.

mine are in no particular order.

.broken lizards club dread (same guys who did super troopers, only not nearly the caliber of super troopers, they're trying to hard to be like the scary movie trilogy )
.the whole scary movie trilogy (granted it's only funny when you're stoned off your ass)
. daredevil (ben affleck is over rated)
. anything involving ben stiller (anybody else notice he's playing the same 2 characters in every movie he's ever been in? the neurotic guy and the stupid guy.)
. Monster, though it's a great movie (this is a movie's I wish I'd never seen list right?) I throughly hate myself for feeling sorry for charlize theron and christina ricci's characters at the end.
. phone booth (sucked)



OK There are some serious Retards on this message board, any of you who wrote any of these movies suck, actually suck at knowing great movies themselves

Lord of the rings(all of them)
American Beauty
Matrix Reloaded
28 Days Later
Punch Drunk Love
The Royal Tennenbaums
About Schmidt
25th Hour
Jay and silent Bob strike back
Kill Bill Vol. 1

thats only some I heard, if you put those movies as worst movies you've seen you are without a doubt retarded

now some awful movies are:

Dumb and Dumberer
Van Helsing
Envy(I love Ben stiller and Jack Black But it just wasn't funny)
Pirates of the carribean(Private message me, to hear why I hate it)
8 Mile
Brother Bear
First Two Harry Potters
Bubble Boy
Anything With Vin Diesel

People Who Hate Kevin Smith Suck


drive me crazy
my boss' daughter
scary movie 2
freddy got fingured
the devil's advocate
the legend of bagger vance
gosford park
the way of the gun


In no particular order:

1. Riding in Cars with Boys: Two hours of nothing. Absolutely nothing. Didn't Steve Zahn go to Harvard? I guess they forgot to teach him how to pick decent movies... (cough-National Security-cough)

2. Cecil B. Demented: It's a novel idea... but what the hell?

3. Formula 51-Again, what the hell? At least Meat Loaf was blown up. That'll teach him.

4. Freeway-I'd like to know what was going through the heads of Keifer Sutherland and Reese Witherspoon when they read the script for this pile of steaming something-or-other. Probably nothing.

5. Problem Child: I feel so bad for John Ritter. If I had been him, I would have beaten that little bastard to death the second day of shooting. I wonder what happened to that kid?


Worst movie I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through. . .

"Gerry" with Matt Damon and Casry Affleck.


I didn't like The Big Easy... According to most of the people this movie is quite good. I didn't understand that when watching it. It just didn't have any suspense, action, interesting scenes... It was soooo lame and stupid.


I've got a few more than 5:

Wet Hot American Summer
Scary Movie 3
28 Days Later
Planet of the Apes
Freddy Got Fingered
Kung Pow
American Wedding
Cabin Boy
Pearl Harbor
Star Wars Episode I
Eyes Wide Shut
Gangs of New York
Psycho (1998)
Joe Dirt
Super Troopers
THX 1138
Taxi Driver



oh I hated that movie. I couldn't stand it, I don't know why, but I could barely sit through it.


I loved Chicago, but I'm also a theater fan which makes sense. And the Ring is pretty scary if you can forget the plot holes. But I do wish I hadn't seen:

1. The Hulk
2. The Italian Job
3. Darkness Falls
5. Charlie's Angels 2 {I thought the first one was pretty funny}
6. Notting Hill
7. Jeepers Creepers
8. The Whole 9 yards
9. Serving Sara
10.Cabin Fever {good concept, baaaaad script}



ok, here we go....

Scary Movie 3
Battlefield Earth
The Transporter


1. xxx
2. punch drunk love
3. cold creek manor
4. Master of disuse
5. the way of the gun


I forgot darkness falls on mine too... jeez what a pile of crap.
glad my ex paid for us to see it.

[/purple] don't forget to wash where the sun don't shine!


which version of italian job the original in 1969 or the "cover" one??


Here's my (extended to 20) list:

- Death Wish 2
- Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma
- American Ninja 2: The Confrontation
- The Beach
- Dick
- Good Burger
- Jaws 3-D
- Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace
- Pearl Harbor
- Police Academy N, where N is in the set {2,...,7}
- The Way of the Gun
- Scary Movie 2
- The Talented Mr. Ripley
- Wild Wild West
- The Whole Nine Yards


The movies i wish i'd never seen are:

- Resident evil
- House of the dead
- scooby doo
- about schmidt (boooooooring :-) )
- hmm the 5th one i don't mention, too hard to decide :-))))



How did you even get to see Salo? Isn't it banned virtually everywhere? Isn't it what Pasolini got shot for? Did you see it in theatre, video or DVD?

Cheers ...




Salo is banned in Australia. I don't know of any other civilized nation where the film is forbidden.





1. Two Weeks Notice
2. Triplets of Bellville
3. Along Came Polly
4. Ancorman
5. Big Daddy

Dream like you'll live foever, but live like you'll die today~James Dean



Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 is the absolute worst movie I have ever seen, I was sitting in the theater waiting for something interesting to happen, but alas, the end credits came and still NOTHING. I actually laughed out loud in the theater when the movie ended.


1. Ishtar
2. Natural Born Killers
3. Pearl Harbor
4. Spiceworld (I don't even like to admit I seen it)
5. Superbabies (can blame that on my kids)

Naughty, Naughty Naughty! You filthy old soomka!


Here is my list of what i think r d worst films i have seen! (no specific order)

Super troopers(OMG, What was that about!)
Gigli(i had 2 put that in here coz there is such a hype about it)
Halloween 3(doesnt really count)
Dogma(i mean what the *beep*)
Virus(Jamie lee who is brilliant was badly cast)
Mars Attacks(did it make sense 2 anyone)
Friday 13th 7(oh my my my my my-first was excellent and a few others)
Paycheck(Ben Affleck-yawn!!!!!!)

there is soooooo much more but cant really think of them right now

P.S-some people mentioned Freddy vs. Jason.ok that was an excellent movie and it kinnda rekinled scary movies again-it was GREAT!!!!!



I never thought I would see pearl harbor and natural born killers in the same list, thats what I would call a paradox.
I was gonna write my 5 worst movies... but I don't see any point in it now.




1. Nothing But Trouble (1991)
2. Stroker Ace (1983)
3. If Lucy Fell (1996)
4. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
5. Star Wars IV: A New Hope - The Special Edition (1997)

I loved Star Wars (1977) but The 1997 Special Edition was almost unwatchable!
I didn't even bother watching the "Special" Editions of The Empire Strikes Back or Return Of The Jedi!

The above 5 are The Top 5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen!

To the guy who mentioned Plan Nine, the reason it's not on most of these lists is because it is entertainingly bad! I like watching entertainingly bad movies, I much rather watch a fun bad movie like Plan Nine than watch a movie with absolutely no entertainment value at all like Nothing But Trouble or Stroker Ace, or see one of my favorite movies (Star Wars) destroyed (Star Wars IV: A New Hope - The Special Edition).


OOOOh I'm so happy nobody said the missing! It's my favourit movie and lot of people didn't like it!


dreamcatcher... man that was crap
sorority boys (spelling :s)... don't understand why it's so funny 8-)
legally blonde 2 (spelling :s)... omg how can you stand it
... more but i can't come up

!!!! FAVOURIT !!!!

THE MISSING sooo amazing!
MAN ON FIRE yeeeeeeeeeeeey dakota fanning !!!
MATCHSTICK MEN story is awesome !
SINGS don't understand why people hate it :s

And yes uptown girls, dakota fanning was great! The movie was okay i think

and lots of more


Wow, I'm surprised at how many people hated Chicago! But I *am* pleased to see that I wasn't the ony person on the planet who hated Lord of the Rings...*ducks to avoid barrage of thrown objects*

My most-hated movie list:

1. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre": I don't do horror movies too well, and I saw this one at about four o'clock in the morning on very little sleep. I think the sleep-deprived mental state caused some of the more horrifically gory scene to become permanently implanted in my mind...*shudders* I can't look at a chainsaw or a meat hook without shuddering.

2. "I Know What You Did Last Summer": similar reasons as above, plus the fact that I watched this when I was about 12 years old and at the time, it scared me to death. I was utterly convinced that a killer with a giant hook was hiding in my closet and was going to kill me as soon as I was asleep! *grins abashedly*

3. "The Lizzie McGuire Movie": I was forced to watch this one while on a two hour bus ride for a school trip, and couldn't escape it's wrath (although I had a lot of fun ripping it apart with my best friend). If I ever get my hands on whoever brought the movie on the bus...

4. "The Phantom of the Opera" (1960): this was the version with Herbert Lom, made for the Hammer Horror Film series. It is utterly wretched and bears no resemblance to the "Phantom" we phans know and love, either the original story *or* Andrew Lloyd-Webber's version. It's good for a laugh though...

5. "Notorious": I know this movie is a "classic", but personally I didn't get the point. It ended so abruptly and had so little plot that I have trouble understanding exactly why it's a classic.


Ok first I would like to blame my daughter for most of the rubbish I have seen in the last 5 years (she is 9)

Frank McKlusky, C.I
Forest Gump
Pokemon and Yu Gi oh and all those type
Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer
Cannibal Fearox (sp?)
Little Nicky
Baby Geniuses
Jumangi (actually most Robin Williams movies)
The Wiz
Bruce Almighty
Jersey Girl
Wild at Heart
Flintstones Viva Rock Vegas
Tiger Warsaw (actually most Patrick Swayze movies)
and many many more that I have sucessfully erased from my immediate memory :)


Forest Gump, Jersey Girl ... what the ...
