MovieChat Forums > Along Came Polly (2004) Discussion > 5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List

5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List

1 Along Came Polly
2 Duplex
3 My Boss' Daughter
4 Marci X
5 Titan AE

In all seriousness, I don't want to criticize "Along Came Polly" *that* bad. It had some funny moments. And if I had a choice of watching a movie like this or Ben Stiller in a drama, I'd choose something like this. But, I wasn't satisfied with how I felt leaving the theater. I think it was the writing. Oh well.


this is a bit hard, but..

1. cold creak manor (dear god.. the previews made it look like a physcological thriller, when really it was just mountain hicks killing city folk.)
2. riding in cars with boys (i left the theater.. it was disgustingly boring.)
3. jeepers creepers 2 (i never saw the first one, but this was just laughabley horrible.)
4. t3 (what the hell were they thinking?)
5. dumb and dumberer (an embarassment to the first.)

We're not sheep.


1 Dude Where's my car

2 Not another teen movie

3 Scary Movie 3

4 Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

5 Cousin Bette


This is a great idea for a post-messagey are mine, I tried to limit myself to 5.

1.Darkness Falls
4.Peter Pan (2003) (I was throwing things at the screen by the end, this pissed me off so much!!)
5.Blue Crush

Moosey-Moose rules all and everything. Oh my, I think I've gone insane.


well here goes...............not sure I can think of 5....

1)maid in manhatten(terrible movie)
2)T3( complete cop out!!)
3)Life or something like it(possibly the biggest waste of time ever)
4)haunted mansion(recently watched it and thought it was crap, and not funny)

some good ones in my opinion are

1)romper stomper
2)The exorcist
3)Crouching tiger hidden dragon
5)the godfather(parts 1 and 2 only)


Hey guys and gals. I was reading this thread and I came across a couple of these : "You guys have no idea what you're talking about. So, now I will insert my opinion, which just happens to be better than yours." Number one, all this particular thread has done is just pissed off a lot of people with everyone's lists. And number two, so what if one guy put a movie on his top 5 lowest, and it just happened to be your favorite movie? Life goes on.

I won't bore you with my list, because five is such an inadequate number for the amount of movies out there that truly suck, and no one except me cares what I think anyway.

In other words, there are sucky movies out there, but you people shouldn't get offended over a movie unless you made, because that is the only thing I can think of to give you the authority to be offended.


how the hack can you hate blue crush !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorority boys
can't remember



Seen in the Last Year

1) The Lord of the Rings 1
2) The Lord of the Rings 2
3) Underworld
4) Stuck on You
5) Cold Creek Manor

Seen Ever:
1) The Lord of the Rings 1
2) The Lord of the Rings 2
3) The Mexican
4) A Beautiful Mind
5) Chicago


1) Mulholland Dr. (Video)
2) Get Shorty
3) Twin Peaks , Fire Walk With Me4) Batman and Robin
5) The Tim Roth-directed movie about incest


1- Mallrats
2- Hulk
3- How to lose a guy in 10 days
4- Cecil B Demented
5- Alien 3


In no particular order:

The Cable Guy - Just dreadful (and I like Jim Carrey and Matthew Broderick)

Titanic - An easy target but honestly it was quite unbelievably turgid

The Matrix Revolutions - Needed to be special to make up for Reloaded and was actually far worse

Going Overboard - Didn't actually make it to the end of this one (and thinking about it every Adam Sandler film apart from Punch-Drunk Love and The Wedding Singer could be on this list too)

Sister Act - In this case EVERY Whoopi Goldberg film

I'm off to watch 'Fletch' again to wash away the dreadful memories writing the above down has given to me.


I love every Ben Stiler Movie, and have you seen The Ben Stiller Show? its so funny. I love his and Will Ferrell's Elf is good, Zoolander, Along Came Polly. I also love all of J.Lo's movies. And Pirates of the Caribbean!
Heres the 5 worst:
1. The Cat in the Hat
2. Daredevil
3. A Clockwork Orange
4. Bringing Down the House
5. 1776



What in the Hell is the point of all this? Obviously different people have different taste in movies, so why argue?
And two other points I'd like to make:
1. If you really feel the need to take the piss out of a movie, at least try to spell the name of it correctly. Unless there really was once a film called 'The Royal Tentaballs'.
2. In a similar vein, if you're going to complain about how stupid other people and their opinions are, maybe you should learn spelling and grammar first. Hehe, 'interlectual' indeed. Sweet irony.


1.) Along Came Polly
2.) Pearl Harbor (I wish to god I had never paid to see that travesty of film)
3.) Dumb and Dumberer (Stupid)
4.) Cabin Fever (Don't wanna hear about it)
5.) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (just....ugh)

I meditate diligently every morning. The subject is Peace and Love. I quit after three seconds.


First off I must say that i laughed my butt off reading some of these posts. Of course i agree with some and disagree with some.

Some of the movies listed looked so lame in the previews that i didn't even consider seeing them (rollerball,pluto nash, jeepers creepers).

Da List:
1. The Hulk (I want my two and a half hours back!)
2. Godzilla (Why Matthew...Why?)
3. Crouching tiger hidden dragon
4. A.I. (Robot prostitutes dont make cool characters and neither do creepy talking teddy bears)
5. XXX (Dont ask why)

Why are people whining about people whining? You dont like it change the channel (or in this case double click your mouse elsewhere).
BTW, i like most any comedy, i have an interesting sense of humor. Ben Stiller isn't all that bad, but i only like his movies when he is with Owen Wilson, oh wait, that's almost all of his movies.


Recent "I wish I never seen it":

1. Pirates of the caribbean (untterly boring and not one of Johnny's best)
2. Open Range (I tried to like it for Costner's sake but too predictable)
3. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (rubbish - like every other hongkong kungfu flicks)
4. Along Came Polly (I want him to get back with Debra Messing)
5. Matrix Reloaded and Revolution (Animatrix is great though)

And I have to add Lord of the Rings - Return of the King, because Jackson cut too many important scences! Where was the house of healing and Saruman? I am only refering to the theatrical version...I can't wait till the extended version!

The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum. -
Havelock Ellis


movies in 2003
the hulk {so much hype and it was crap}
dumb and dumberer {ok so i wasnt expecting this too be good but some jokes}
marci x { one of the worst movies of the year}
elf {the most overrated movie of the year}
timeline {can you expect anything good from paul walker}

better movies in 2003-
kill bill
freddy vs jason
return of the king
pirates of the carribean
scary movie 3



How about a few new ones... I couldn't narrow it down to 5, so you guys get nine.

1) True Romance
2) Airport (not Airplane. Airport. It is what Airplane spoofed. I thought it would never end... ever....)
3) Feardotcom
4) The League of Extrodinary Gentlemen
5) Murder by Numbers
6) Kids
7) Super Troopers
8) Quills
9) Broke Down Palace


3. AI
I also don`t like movies with steven seagal and most of the movies with jean claude van damme


Time/money I wish I had back... (no special order)

01) Mystery Men
02) Scary Movie
03) Empire
04) Shrek
05) Fast and The Furious
06) The Grinch (Thank God I saw it for free...)
07) Billie Jean
08) Ninja Scroll
09) Batman Forever and Batman and Robin
10) Tomb Raider
11) Star Wars 1, 2


As far as favorites go... (no special order)

01) The Big Lebowski
02) The Nightmare Before Christmas
03) American History X
04) Mall Rats / Chasing Amy
05) Shaolin Soccer
06) Office Space
07) Donnie Darko
08) Blade / Blade 2
09) Fight Club
10) Infernal Affairs
11) ...and many others...



The terrible ones
1-Blair Witch Project-Book of Shadows
2-The House of Haunted Hill
3-Batman and Robin
5-Deep blue Sea
6-Get Carter(Stallone)
7-End of days
8-Charlie's Angels Full Throttle
9-The Avengers



why has no one mentioned josie and the pussycats??????????? my brother and i actually threw stuff at the screen, it was so awful. and how could someone put apocalypse now as worst of all time. i just don't get it


and i did'nt see dungeons and dragons or desert saints anywhere
for last year, it would have to be matrix revolutions (i actually liked reloaded) and underworld
oh yeah and forrest gump sucked big time


I am suprized no one has included Joe Dirt.


well theres so many bad movies you forget about the truly awful ones.



i agree the hulk was a truly bad movie


Hehe you guys are funny. Half of you are complaining that people r commenting on these films then going on to make a list of your own!!

Anyway, here's my list:

1. Vanilla Sky - can't BELIEVE no one's mentioned this corker, because absolutely no one i know even remotely enjoyed it! I had flu when i saw this and i came away feeling so much more dazed and confused.

2. A.I - SHOCKINGLY awful film. Just the worst thing ever (except VS!!). Got to the end (after about 25 moments when the movie Should have ended!) just thinking ...what??

3. The Hulk - great beginning. Careered downhill from bout ten minutes in and finished up just laughable.

4. The Haunting - can't really remember much bout this one except that the script was the worst bit of writing I have EVER heard.

5. Cabin Fever - not scary. Not funny. Not well written. 100% over rated.
