What's everyones favorite to least favorite Animatrix short film? And Why? Here's mine from best to worst:
1. A Detective Story - By far this is the one I would love to see a feature length version of. The Film Noir look was well done from start to finish. Extra points for seeing Trinity a lot in this one too.
2. Kid's Story - The animation in this was really intriguing. It looked like it was all roughly drawn by pencil. Superb.
3. A Second Renaissance Part I - Powerful and violent, but very well told story of the time before.
4. A Second Renaissance Part II - Like part I, it makes you think.
5. Beyond: A very simple story with simple characters, but it had a very beautiful feel to it.
6. World Record: A very artsy film, at times the animation looked really whacked out, it wasn't too bad though.
7. Final Flight of the Osiris: The 3D animation/graphics is good but I got bored by this for some reason.
8. Program: Liked the bullet-time shots but the story didn't captivate me as much as some of the others.
9. Matriculated: Interesting concept but it all felt like a lights and effects show to me.
A detective story - madness, darkness, style Matriculated - Aeon A second renaissance - Skeletons applauding Program - Duo Beyond - I don't even know World Record - Free Final Flight of the Osiris - Enter the Matrix Kid's story - Where did you jump off to Karl Popper?
Kid's Story: Damn, The Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions really needed this story. Kid was useless in those films, and his lack of a back story really hurt all the parts he featured in. I couldn't care less about him there, and I really disliked him. This is a pretty cool segment - interesting animation technique and a cool story which actually has some bearing on the proper Matrix films make this my favourite segment. 7.5/10
The Second Renaissance - Part I: The Animation is subpar in this one, but it has a very interesting story which more than makes up for it. Alters your perceptions of the machines. 7/10
A Detective Story: I love the animation style in this, it's really unique. Despite the short run time, it manages to tell a full story, although it could do with some more fleshing out. The detective's voice actor speaks in an irritating monotone though, which hurts the segment a bit. 7/10
Beyond: Another segment with an interesting concept - a glitchy "haunted" house in the Matrix. I don't really like the animation style of this particular story though. The contrast between the wonder of the haunted house, compared to the mundane city, is pretty cool though. It is a very different segment to say the least. 6.5/10
The Second Renaissance - Part II: Like Part I, this is a very interesting, very nihilistic story which explains the backstory of the human-machine war. Not as interesting as Part I, mostly due to constant interspersing of disconnected bits of violence, but cool nonetheless. 6.5/10
World Record: A very simple, unique idea - a man runs so fast that he literally breaks through the Matrix. The execution isn't the best unfortunately, and I don't really like the exaggerated style. 6.5/10
Matriculate: Of all the segments, this one is easily one of the best animated. It starts out simple enough, but begins to get really strange, really quick. I do "understand" what it is getting at, but I don't find it particularly interesting regardless. 6/10
Final Flight of the Osiris: Really good animation, although it's hard to give much of a crap about any of the characters with the short run time. Also, the sword fight at the beginning was ridiculous. 6/10
Program: Kind of a redundant segment, pretty much the same idea as Cypher's role in the original Matrix. I'm not a fan of the dumb twist either, it makes it even more pointless. 6/10
1. The Second Renaissance Parts I + II 2. Kid's Story 3. World Record 4. Final Flight of the Osiris 5. Program 6. Matriculated 7. Detective Story 8. Beyond
1 : Final Flight Of The Osiris 2 : The Second Renaissance Pt I 3 : The Second Renaissance Pt II 4 : Detectives Story 5 : Program 6 : Kids Story 7 : Beyond 9 : Matriculated 9 : World Record