Have the french ever won anything?
I mean come on, they must have.
shareIf you look at individual successes, they did win battles, it's just that in most cases they lost the overall war.
They won one naval battle in Mauritius during the Napoleonic Wars.
They also fought off the English over a long period of time in the Middle Ages and occupied large parts of today's France that were previously held by the English. That is why Joan of Arc is one of France's heroic figures.
They invaded Italy in the 15th Century but didn't manage to keep anything and Louis XIV was fairly successful early in his military endeavours but I think they were eventually reversed.
Napoleon himself won many land battles up till 1814 and ruled over many European countries and principalities until Britain with a changing array of allies eventually stopped him.
Charlemagne was the first emperor in western and central Europe since the fall of Rome three centuries earlier.
In the Thirty Years War, 1618-1648, France broke the power of Spain, whose armies had been feared throughout Europe for a century.
French assistance to the Americans was vital in the achieving of US independence.
And, as indicated above, Napoleon conquered all of Europe from the border of Russia to parts of Spain.
In World War I, they fought Germany to a standstill, along with the British and, toward the end of the war, the US.
So for what it's worth, the French military has seen its share of military success over the centuries.
- The Battle of Bouvines (by which they got Normandy back from the kings of England)
- The Hundred Years War.
- the War of the Spanish Succession.
They won the World Cup back in '98.
shareNot much. Only the whole of Europe.
The church may shout but Darwin roars
lol Napoleon didn't conquer Portugal.
Your first statement was fine; your follow-up question is just OT, and you know it. The gratuitous racism of the OP is no excuse for you to drag in another flavour of racism. If you want to talk like that, please do it somewhere else.
shareI could make a list, but what is the point? I doubt you'll ever read it. You're just a post-and-run troll with all the brains of a stunned goldfish.
I seem to recall that about a year ago you posted some racist drivel and then buggered off (I hoped then) never to be seen again. Do it this time - don't come back. Just feck off and play on the 'Birth of a Nation' board with the rest of the Klan.
The church may shout but Darwin roars
Cute sig line, but the church and Darwin speak different languages.
shareMetric system? Call me a simple Dane - but I like it.
shareIf not for Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours we'd all be bowing towards Mecca five times a day.
shareBesides France winning the war of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth coalition and a bunch of other conflicts pre-WW1 France was boss.
If it's gods intent to kill or harm me I will stick a .45 in his face to
The English kicked frenchy arse every century on a regular basis . Google ' Agincourt ' you fool . Then the British rescued you from the Germans ....TWICE !!!!
That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger
The American Revolution. Without the French it was doomed...it was actually more of a British/French War. The revolutionaries were funded and supplied by the French. They wanted to weaken the British, who were being stretched thin.
Without France there would be no modern day United States Of America because the revolution would have been crushed by the British.