Is there actual sex?
Is there actual sex scenes in this movie or is it just implied? I'm aware there is a lot of nudity, but I wasn't sure.
shareIs there actual sex scenes in this movie or is it just implied? I'm aware there is a lot of nudity, but I wasn't sure.
shareThere is no actual sex in this movie. The fact that it is rated "R" is the initial clue. Do characters in this movie have sex? Yes.
Hey brown where's your proof of that? What god should I believe in? There's thousands to choose from. I didn't know that imaginary people punished us for being logical.
shareThou shalt not judge. Brown if you read the bible you would know that. Just leave us atheists alone, we mean you no harm.
if it's pigs like you that will be in heaven, I pray to god I go to hell.
sharething i dont get is what is someone who most probably holds strong religious views doing watching a film based almost entirely on pre-marital sex & incest?
oh, & social unrest.
...and film.
"The truth is, I'm a bad person."
lets pray he was trying to be a troll...
haha pray, get it?
the movie had an NC17 rating
and p.s if they do not show penetration it doesn't matter
You cant have real sex in a movie, well you can but then it would be a porn film.
I Am The Future Mrs Wolowitz
Wrong. Pornography has no artistic merit. You can have real sex but still have artistic merit. The best example I can give is Shortbus.
unlikely a comprehensive list, but just to show, there are plenty of non-porn movies with sex.
Thanks for the link. Certainly not a comprehensive list.
One of my favorites, which I was surprised was not mentioned in the wikipedia article, is the Swedish "I am curious, yellow". Not mainstream in the U.S., but it was very popular during the late 60s in Europe. Also an eye-opener as a sexually explicit film that is definitely not pornography.
Plenty of mainstream films with unsimulated sex, somebody already mentioned Brown Bunny and Short Bus, but also In the Realm of the Senses, etc. It doesn't automatically make a movie porn if it shows actual penetration. I think the difference between art and porn is that you know porn when you see it, there's no doubt about whether it is or isn't, with art it just makes you wonder. So if your asking yourself if it is porn or art odds are it's not porn. At least I think so...
What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about??? ô¿ô
They wear some kind of cup thing in films so they dont have sex.
I Am The Future Mrs Wolowitz
Maybe you're an exhibitionist?
shareI think the only main stream where the couple have real sex (without filming it) was Mickey Rourke and Carre Otis (his wife) in Wild Orchid.
P.S. In a 2004 interview, Carré Otis denied the rumors that suggested the infamous last sex scene was real.
P.S. Maybe are few others like the brown bunny with Chloe Sevigny...
I don't think it had real sex, but when they did those scenes there must've been real genital-to-genital contact. I mean he lays on top of Eva Green, there's no denying.
sharethere's a lot more than one would think if one thinks at all.
There is a little sleeve that goes around the penis to prevent actual genital contact.
shareThe film basically consists of three people, two of which are twins, living in a house and having sex and sleeping and bathing.
It's like being inside a dream or something.. There's truth, but no logic.
unlikely a comprehensive list, but just to show, there are plenty of non-porn movies with sex.
Bertolucci has propagated rumors that there is "real" sex in his films for the past 30 years. Cheap publicity, but there was never any actual sex.
shareIn an interview, Louis Garrel admitted he masturbated on camera and both the boys have said that the first question they were asked at the audition is if they were willing to have sex on film with the actress.
shareis there a source on this?
shareif i was given the choice to have sex with eva i would say yes
shareEva also mentioned recently that Michael Pitt had to become "genuinely aroused" for a scene. Since they never show him erect on camera, one could assume he had to become aroused to have actual sex...but who knows.
shareI'm not so sure about that....he looks a bit erect in the last pic on this page:
Pretty sad an actress would whore themselves out for a role, but sex is a big seller for movies.
Wasn't me
The Night Porter (1974)??
shareAlso just remembered, Ken Park. I forget if the sex was unsimulated but there is a scene where a male character masturbates and ejaculates on camera that is shown, as well as some fairly graphic cunnilingus.