Michael Pitt=Poor Man's Leonardo DiCaprio
Seriously. Michael Pitt isn't playing Matthew, he's playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Matthew.
This movie would be half-way decent if they just got the real guy to play the part.
Seriously. Michael Pitt isn't playing Matthew, he's playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Matthew.
This movie would be half-way decent if they just got the real guy to play the part.
Yes, handsome young white man with blonde hair = Leonardo DiCaprio. Idiot.
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Before you call someone an idiot, try to understand the context of the post by the OP and maybe arse yourself to do a bit of research before you comment.
It's a well known fact that Bertolucci wanted DiCaprio for this role and wasn't able to land him due to other commitments that Leo had at the time. So it's not just the looks but the way his character was acted and portrayed and it's not unlikely to think that maybe the director influenced Pitt's performance to match whom he originally wanted for the role.
~What if this is as good as it gets?!~
That's idiotic.
If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
...he's playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Matthew
Leo wouldn't have shown his dong, so we got Micheal. I thought they looked so much alike too, but he did just fine.