MovieChat Forums > The Dreamers (2004) Discussion > Michael Pitt=Poor Man's Leonardo DiCapri...

Michael Pitt=Poor Man's Leonardo DiCaprio

Seriously. Michael Pitt isn't playing Matthew, he's playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Matthew.

This movie would be half-way decent if they just got the real guy to play the part.


I thought Michael Pitt was fine. He plays Matthew as an outsider that's just the right shade of naive and vulnerable. Sure he's a bit limited as an actor (have I ever seen him play anything other than awkward teen #1? No, not really) but within the limits of his range he performs very well, especially in this film.
DiCaprio is hardly any better an actor than Pitt, both being expert 'squint' actors from the 'when in doubt furrow your brow and pretend your taking a dump' school of acting, but I really would not want to have seen an actor as well known as DiCaprio in that role.
As for Michael Pitt v. Leonardo DiCaprio? The only difference I can see is that one has a better agent than the other.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."




He was great in this movie - and cuter than Leo, in my opinion!

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No one would say something like this if DiCaprio hadn't become so famous.


what?!? michael pitt is brilliant. Funny Games anyone? Bully? HELLO!

if you're commenting on his roles on Dawson's Creek and Murder By Numbers. puhlease.

this is just like Nick Stahl and Joseph Gordon-Levitt they get no recognition except from the ones that become more "well known" movies, and most of those movies are garbage.

10 things i hate about you was awesome though..

but im saying movies like Brick and Taboo, most people have never heard and theyre so damn awesome.

now if you want to see an incest movie where brother and sister actually do get it on watch Taboo.

I don't eat animals. =D Woo.


Well then.
I was starting to think that I was the only person on the internet who had actually seen/liked Brick.
Totally agree though. It's a shame that movies like that kind of just fall away from the public eye.
(Same goes with James Franco in Howl -- easily my favorite role of his, and one that I never hear anyone talk about)



I actually totally agree. I find him very drab and boring.

Voting History:



Wouldn't DiCaprio have been a little old for this role? I mean, these three kids are supposed to be university students (I think they were all around 19 or 20 years old); DiCaprio would have been about 29 had he made this. I mean, he could have pulled it off I suppose, but it would have better-suited him back in his younger "Titanic" days.

¡Buena suerte!




LOL, I thought the same thing when I was watching the movie. Haha poor man's Dicaprio, glad someone else thought to write the same thing so I didn't have to but I still enjoyed the movie though.
I think he added a bit more innocence to the character than Dicaprio.

~What if this is as good as it gets!~
