Why cant anyone but the Americans save the planet?!
Because this is an American movie.
Soylent green is people.
Because this is an American movie.
When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...share
In the film, the world could not have been saved without :
1) the invention of a British scientist who invented the machine that made it all possible.
2) the assistance of all the scientists from around the world who pitched in to build the machine that made it all possible.
3) the French scientist who sacrificed himself nobly to ensure that they could set off the bombs needed to save the planet.
4) two Americans and a British scientist working together to come up with the revised solution for saving the world.
5) the British scientist sacrificing himself nobly to make the revised solution possible.
6) The world would not have needed saving if not for the Americans' paranoia and warlike thinking and willingness to try stuff without considering the consequences (American scientist and military to be exact).
7) The Americans nearly *beep* it up again because of their impatience - and the jerk American scientist who just immediately gave up rather than look for solutions.
8) The American hero pilot's biggest contributions are hitting a crystalline air pocket that nearly kills them all and kills the commander of the mission, hitting a diamond that kills one of them and would have ended the mission if not for the Frenchman's sacrifice, giving up, and then giving up again. Oh, and she made tough choices, and looked good in a jumpsuit.
9) The only reason the remaining heroes survived is because of whales. Not even American whales, but Pacific whales.
Other points:
1) The establishment American scientist is shown as a power- and prestige-grubbing jerk who is only good at politics, and who stole the work of others, notably the genius British scientist.
2) The US military caused the problem, hid the fact they caused it, and then hid the mission that saved it - if not for the fair minded US scientist and hacker then the whole world would never know of the heroes who saved them, especially of the dead heroes, one Frenchman, one Brit, and one American.
So yes, the hero is Aaron Eckhart, and the love interest is Hillary Swank, but there's plenty of International love to go around.
Now, if you had made this point for almost any other film out there then I would agree with you!
PS Sorry una-una for posting this as a reply to your point but I wanted this in the first page to save people from wading through the 9 pages of comments.
Because we pay BILLIONS of dollars to watch movies maybe? When some other country pays more money than we do, we'll start making movies to milk THIER cash cows. Fair enough?
I don't remember EXACTLY, but wasn't it Americans who CAUSED the core to stop spinning in the first place?
Nice to see how you want your literature shallow and selling itself out.
Next time you complain about Hollywood making crappy movies, you should remember who they are trying to sell it to.
Fail. Your opinion is sooooo 20th Century.
From BoxOfficeMojo.com (all numbers quoted are Total Lifetime Grosses):
The Core:
Domestic: $31,186,896 42.4%
Foreign: $42,311,715 57.6%
Maybe a more popular film? How about the Avengers:
Domestic: $623,357,910 41.2%
Foreign: $888,400,000 58.8%
Or Avatar?
Domestic: $760,507,625 27.3%
Foreign: $2,021,767,547 72.7%
Hell, even when we know it's bad, because of reviews, we bring a big chunk of the money.
Try The 13th Warrior, which (adjusted for inflation is the biggest bomb ever) (and this was a while back, things have changed since then as my other examples show):
Domestic: $32,698,899 53.0%
Foreign: $29,000,000 47.0%
Or for a recent bomb, the 5th biggest inflation adjusted bomb (3rd biggest unadjusted), The Lone Ranger:
Domestic: $89,051,359 36.4%
Foreign: $155,700,000 63.6%
Bottom line, in the past the rest of the world brought a large chunk of any movie's income, making big films bigger and bombs smaller. Nowadays, for the last 13 years or so, WE are the bigger market...
Can we have our cash cows milked now?
By we do you mean every country other then the U.S?
If so, percentage wise; the U.S does spend more on movies then any other single country.
because we are Team America World Police. ffffffcccckkkk yyyyyaaaahhhhh!!!! here to save the MMMMtttttthhheeerrr eeeeeffffffnnnnn dddaaayyyy yyyaahhh!!
Ill catch you on the flip side.
I thought the world was saved countless times on shows like:
"Doctor Who"
"The Sarah Jane Adventures"
WELL SAID !! I also seem to recall that in Starship Troopers it was the South Americans who saved the world. Besides, the last I heard we were the only ones running shuttles into space ---- until Obama cancelled the program. Now we all strap our buns to a russian rocket to go into space - yahooo!!
share--- quote ---
until Obama cancelled the program
--- end quote ----
Obama did not cancel the shuttle program. He had nothing to do with it. In point of fact they were slated for retirement for a very long time, and were retired pretty much on the original mark.
Thing is, the shuttles were very old tech before the first one was ever launched. The "demo-model" (which never did anything but ride piggy back on a 747) sat unused for ages before the program got funding again.
By then the technology for the shuttles was very old & out of date. They were 1960s and 1970s tech, stitched together with a few new items (external heat tiles, external boosters & a big external fuel tank) to make them functional. They also gave them some new "fault tolerant" newer computers.
In the last decade of their working life, many possible (and far better) re-usable replacement space vehicles were tested, and bid on by various companies (including the "Delta Clipper") and in the end the US government FIRST chose to use tiny "return only" vehicles. Then they scrapped them too. The shuttles were to die and not be replaced by anything.
The money that would have gone into the new shuttle replacement was going into other places - a replacement for another system
The cash went instead into a replacement for the "ECHELON" satellites (and their similar systems) which had, for quite a while, been used to monitor every phone call made that bonced off of a telecommunication satellite.
But the world of tech had changed a lot. The world had gone over to huge fiber networks and the internet was growing up fast (fiber links even crossed oceans). These new networks, with fiber and computers all talking to one another, could NOT be spied on by the old network of global ECHELON satellites as they only got data that was sent up into space (they are not a myth - you can check WIKIPEDIA).
So a new system was built (I read about this in the mainstream news just last week) which cost a huge amount - more than ever spent on anything by the US government EVER before. You see, ECHELON and its relatives in the spy world were to be replaced. The web was huge and its large and completely FREE and uncensored speech was seen as a massive threat "to freedom and democracy" (huh? free speech and being "safe in ones paper and person" was now the enemy).
So the old stuff was replaced with the new stuff - with new massive underground computer bunkers (all but the last few touches of the new system were in place LONG before 9/11 & before the patriot act made a few tiny pieces of this legal). Most of the system is still technically illegal but it still runs 24/7, gathering a profile on every person on the planet who uses a phone or the internet.
There are now huge4 secure rooms accessing every fiber line - official secure rooms that require a high security access to get into, inside of the phone company buildings of the world. The US now taps the fiber in every single telecommunication company EVERYWHERE that would allow them to do it (MCI, SPRINT, ATT, US WEST, etc) in all of North America, the EU, Australia...in fact in nearly all of the world (the US has military bases in all but roughly 20 of the worlds over 100 nations & those nations that had those bases pretty much all cooperated with the new spy network).
By 9/11 this new system was very close to complete. After 9/11 the biggest part of it went online "officially" after only a few weeks, while the dust in New York was still on the breeze. And somehow, nobody asked where this new massive system came from, how long it had been being built, who made it, or how it got there so fast after the bombings.
The missing shuttle money, the missing money for the nations public schools tpo keep education equally available for all people (a way of treating the schools which had been illegal for ages) and also most of the other things that are no longer funded - it now goes to fund the largest spy system ever known to humankind.
It is being used to spy on you, and on me, and to read this message I just sent.
SUNSHINE had an international crew I believe. Their mission was to resuscitate the sun.
shareSimple answer...THe american flag is RED WHITE AND BLUE!! These colors dont run baby!!!
THe american flag is RED WHITE AND BLUE!!So's the British flag...
because America broke the planet and they were trying to fix their mistake. call it owning up.
shareBecause America is good at fixing things, everyone knows this.
For every animal you don't eat I'm going to eat three.
Probably because if you need a country with a hyper-bloated defence budget, or you need a country that spends more money(not just per capita) on space travel, you're going to the Americans.
because America broke the planet and they were trying to fix their mistake. call it owning up.
LOL I don't buy this, they do not want to fix anything because financially is not rewarding so they blow dust in everyone's eyes that they have tried to.
shareIts awesome how you little people from your 'better than American' countries run around putting us all down but are no better. Just because you people learn to live with royal-tyranny, or third-world justice, left-wing lunatics wanting 100% tax rates, etc., does not make you better.
Name your country. They all have their share of problems to others not living there. Its like expecting the English to contemplate '1200 dead in NIH hospitals' (you can google that) and then looking around themselves for the fault.
More than likely, whatever country youre in, America has probably fed you, propped up your government, saved you from Nazi's, came when you needed disaster relief, and spent more than any other country in 'humanitarian' drivel somewhere along the line.
Too bad we wont be keeping tabs the next time some pathetic country cant feed their own, have borrowed themselves to death, or need 'bailed out' again thanks to their wonderful government and its people. If it was up to me, youd get back exactly what you deserve.
Blah blah blah republican or redneck ranting.
A few points:
1) When you talk about 'third-world justice', are you by any chance talking about the rampant inequalities and travesties in various courts in the US, particularly for minorities? Or the death penalty in the US? Or the way that people who can afford the best lawyers get a totally different result from poor people in the US? No? Well, you should be.
2) '100% tax rate' would mean you would get no money from your salary whatever. I can think of a very few fascist or communist countries where that might be so, but I don't know of any 'left-wing lunatics' wanting it.
3) It's 'NHS', as in National Health Service in the UK, not 'NIH'. 'NIH' is the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, and is the US's largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research. So I think any English person contemplating '1200 dead in NIH hospitals' would be sad for the people involved but would not feel the need to blame anyone in England. OK, that's nit-picking. But I would draw your attention to Private Eye, an investigative magazine in the UK that has been trumpeting NHS failures (that could or did lead to deaths) for decades. And I believe that any Brit you talk to (except politicians and NHS managers) will tell you that the NHS has a huge number of problems. Though at least it provides almost free health care for any who need it. I can think of one or two countries that could really use that.
The rest of your ranting ('humanitarian drivel'?).... meh. You prove yourself an insufferable ass with every word. I'd hope that you and yours 'get back exactly what you deserve' except that unlike you I am not an a**hole.
Rayeurth wrote:
because America broke the planet and they were trying to fix their mistake. call it owning up.