Dr.David or Ben?

Both have their own strengths and weakness but which is you favorite?



Ben, w/o any doubt for me.

Damned if I can think of one strength or positive for a superficial control freak like David.


Ben, all the way. Though I could never figure out what he saw in Michael.

I couldn't stand David. He just wanted a young man he could mold and shape into whatever he needed him to be and was a condescending prick most of the time. He and Michael had absolutely nothing in common and David went about trying to change everything about Michael to suit himself. He was also a major hypocrite. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to throw a fit and demand to know where Michael had been and what he'd been doing after David had been caught at the Baths. He forbid Michael to see his best friend when Brian was being sued for sexual harassment, he gets pissed off when Michael lies about seeing Brian, and then has the nerve to think its perfectly fine to lie to Michael and say he's having dinner with clients when he's off getting a hand job. Total @sshole.

Those people who surround you only want to see you weak enough to crawl


Been years, and it's still David!




At least he made sense -- he wanted a Chia-pet type as a little wife, which explained his attraction to Michael. Ben/Michael made no sense at all. A published college profession and comic-book boy who couldn't even hold silverware correctly? I never bought it (although I was grateful when he stopped panting after Brian and harassing Justin.)


Yeah, I still dont understand what Michael brings to the table for Ben.


Ben was way too saintly, barely even a character at all, incredibly boring.

"Mr. Bond, you defy all my attempts to plan an amusing death for you."


I agree. His only flaw was... what? That it turned out he was more stressed about his HIV status that he initially let on? That he loved Hunter TOO much?



I dont want to change your opinion, because I love the contrast and greatly respect your POV on things.... but for the Ben's flaw list, consider the following.

Petty jealousy over Rage doing better than his book. So much so, it caused him to seek emotional affair/attention from the bug chaser.

A colorful past, full of white parties, bare backing, etc.

Lots of deep seated rage & issues over being HIV, that he pretended to be zen about, but really wasnt and just in denial/coping mechanism. Which yeah, bad deal, but he was way more flawed and not fine with stuff then he wanted others, including himself, to believe. (steroids, avoiding Paul, never having a conclusion with Paul. Redirected anger (cant have kids), physical violence, etc.

All in all, a damn good person and very self aware, but flawed and when he screwed up, he usually knew it and tried to right it...which is why I liked him. I like to compare Ben & Brian and how they cope and deal with Michael.

Eh, anyway...I found him complex. And just really hated David. He was just a controlling snob.. just high on the list of all the things that irk me.




M G Moustache

Anyone who thinks Ben is saintly, hasn't been paying attention.


Yeah, I still dont understand what Michael brings to the table for Ben

Well, I've always thought Michael was quite endearingly adorable, despite his flaws (and there are quite a few, but don't we all have flaws?). Maybe it's that I find Hal Sparks extremely, amazingly cute, and it's clouded my judgment!

Sure, Ben is a studly, gorgeous, Clark Kent-ish college professor, who can rock a pair of wire-rim glasses like nobody else, but my guess is he also thinks Michael is adorable. Mikey is cute, has big brown puppy dog eyes, has a tight, athletic, boyish body (imo), is enthusiastic about comic books (hey, some people find that nerdishly sexy), a good and loyal friend (most of the time), is running his own business (two, if you count the Rage comic books), and has survived having Debbie for a mother all these years.

Anyway, to answer the original post, Ben over David, all the way. David was controlling, patronizing, had found his boy-toy in Michael, and didn't want to let him out of his sight. Tried to limit him seeing his best friend, tried to control him via their move to Portland and that whole mess, etc. The only bad thing Ben has against him is his HIV+ status, which isn't really his fault.

Plus, David has this whole alien forehead thing going, which I found very distracting. He looked like an alien character on Star Trek: TNG.


I liked David a lot, even with all his flaws. Maybe that's what made him human to me, and so real. Was never too crazy about Ben.


David was better looking and he supported Michael even though he smothered a bit.


How can anyone possibly like David? David's continuous manipulation of Michael was so painful to witness it marred the otherwise outstanding first season.He pressures Michael to move in with him. Forbids Michael to see his friends.Sneaks out to get a handjob. Even if you don't believe monogamy is possible,it should take more than five months to get bored with your partner.Not to mention David treating Michael like a kept woman and responding with outrage or condescension every time Michael protested.


I guess people saw it a different way?

I gotta say I am surprised...I agree with you, very few humans have less redeeming qualities than David in my opinion. Hypocrite, passive aggressive, snob, liar, contolling, manipulative, self centered... the list goes on. He is like the poster child of men who isolate their lovers and control/torture them.

I saw Ben as very human and flawed. He was a good person and sought to be enlightened, which makes sense, with his HIV status. But he was petty, jealous, and like he told Michael... not perfect, so stop idealizing him.

This was the first time I have ever seen people pro-David, so I was surprised, but a change up is always interesting.

I do agree that I can not see what Michael brings to the table, to either man. He isnt that young or cute to be a kept twink, and way too stupid and stunted to be an equal, with shared interests.


I just can't let this David thing go. Given how little the pro David posters are saying in defense of their choice, one wonders if many of the posters are simply trying to get a rise out of someone.Well it worked on me. As to what Michael brings to the table,not all professionals seek an intellectual equal in their partner. I attended a medium sized college while my sister worked there.Between us we met most of the faculty as well as their wives and husbands.With few exceptions most of the male faculty were married to women below their professional status.A fair number of these women were housewives and most of those that did work outside the home worked in ordinary service jobs.In my intellectual snobbery I didn't, and still don't, see what these women brought to the table.But they must have held some appeal for their professor husbands that I was not privy to.So must it be with Michael and Ben.


Considering what a short time David was around I can't exactly write a thesis on my opinion, sorry, but yes, that's actually my opinion. I'm not just trying to get a rise out of anyone -- please! I actually didn't think that many people cared passionately about *either* character. I personally couldn't have cared less who Michael ended up with, so long as he stopped panting after Brian and harassing Justin.

The question wasn't "who was better for Michael" but which character we liked better. Is it really a shock that not everyone has the same opinion? I liked that David was snarky, and didn't hesitate to take on Brian, and that his flaws brought out interesting aspects of the characters he interacted with. IMO Ben was just bland. I'd rather be outraged by a character's (consistent, well-written) flaws than put to sleep.


Knittzu-1, I have to agree with you about David. Nothing against Ben, but I did find David more interesting. Of course I wouldn't want to be involved with a person like him but I thought Chris Potter did a very good job playing him. I'm not talking about how convincing he may or may not have been in love scenes with Michael because truthfully I always fast forward through any scene with Michael naked. I also liked David's snarkiness. In fact that's one of the things I like about Brian.

I confess that I did identify with David in one area. Being a bit of a control freak about the decor in my house. I was horrified when Michael placed all of his Captain Astro and other toys - I mean collections - in David's living room. But, like David, I have learned to chill a little and don't get so freaked out when things are not exactly the way I prefer. I will have to say that I loved that David had zero interest in Brian even though I am one that doesn't get anyone's attraction to Michael. My favorite David moment is when he and Brian faced off and David did not back down. It's unfortunate that the actor didn't have more control over himself in real life. Anyway, it was all good for Robert Gant.


I confess that I did identify with David in one area. Being a bit of a control freak about the decor in my house. I was horrified when Michael placed all of his Captain Astro and other toys - I mean collections - in David's living room.

Oh ME TOO. I was absolutely appalled. Imagine a grown man dumping all that crap in your house! I thought David was nice about it -- my husband said he would have hauled it into the backyard and started a bonfire (and unlike me, he likes comic books.)


Agree that Michael's taste in decor is horrid and certainly wouldn't want it in my house.But I can't feel sorry for David because he practically insisted that Michael move in with him. And unless other conditions are agreed upon, moving someone in means moving in all their crap as well.


And unless other conditions are agreed upon, moving someone in means moving in all their crap as well.
I have to agree. The problem with David was that he didn't want to blend his and Michael's lives together- he just wanted Michael to adapt his life to David, not vice versa. David didn't want an equal partnership with Michael at all. I think he just wanted Michael to move in so that Michael could be on hand to readily fulfill David's needs and it had the added bonus of removing Michael from the outside influence of his friend's and family- in other words, people who had different opinions and interests than David.


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