Both can be, but it varies from one person to the next.
As it turns out, advertisements and movies are not realistic in any sense of the word as to how people actually look, versus those in the media, and it turns out, many men, particularly those in America, are not interested in a bony Barbie doll of a woman. Some like girls with more meat on them and hair that ISN'T blond. As for the women, again, it varies from one to the next. They do want men who are at least pleasing to look at, but not all are interested in marrying or dating an Adonis, because frankly, he's as elusive in regular society as the Barbie is.
There was actually a scientific study done (and it was fascinating to watch on tv) and it turns out, that most people are naturally and subconsciously attracted towards people who are similar to them when it comes to attractiveness. They did this using a room full of volunteers; with an equal number of men and women, and did several experiments in having them choose a "partner." They used a scale based on the Golden Ratio, with 1 as the worst, and 10 as the best. It turns out, say, if you're a 6 on the attractiveness scale (and most people are in that range, by the way) chances are very likely that you will be attracted to someone who is between 5 and 7. (Part of that experiment was done blindly, so the volunteers couldn't remember who had what number).
On rare occasions, you'll meet people who go for someone above or below that range, but that's a personal choice, rather than an unconscious one. Attraction is also based on personality too, hence why people who are not considered attractive by society's standards can still find a mate.
My mom said it best when she told me "Water seeks its own level," and nowhere has that been truer than when it comes to people getting together.