Oh my God I just love this movie. I bought it for like £18 when I'd never seen it before, 'cause I'm a Kate Beckinsale fan. I've seen it twice since I got it all of four days ago. It's such a cute movie! I was watching it in bed and I kept hitting the duvet with the control whenever they just missed each other or something going "damn!!" and getting excited that they would meet at the end. And the scene when they met at the end was really... well I have no words to describe it but I know you all feel the same way about it I do. I hardly ever completely love a film the first time I see it, but... this time I did. It's great! John Cusack (sp? Can never spell that right) and Kate Beckinsale work so well together in the film, you're thinking they really could be both destined to play that part in the film. The bit where she finds out he didn't get married and she's crying 'cause she's so happy was a really great bit of acting. Not many actresses can cry. I know that's an odd statement but I mean not many actresses can make it look convincing and she did. The film is just too cute!
It's one of my favourite films for sure, I'm never lending it to anyone! I'll miss it too much. Nobody I know has ever heard of it though so I'll have to spread the word on it.
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