So boring!

Oh god this movie was so boring. I don't know what it was about and don't even care.


i actually fast forwarded it a couple times, while watching - which i almost never do...but not when Takuya Kimura was on screen - he is so HOT! :-))


I´m watching the movie for the second time now and I just like it much better than the first time, but I´m sure it´ll never be one of my favourite movies.


there are 2 words that sums this thread up and that is ........... WHITE PEOPLE!

although i agree the film is't his best and the story isnt as good as in the mood for love, you loosers still cant even apreciate that wong kar wai has taken his story telling to a new level! and you loosers cant actually comprehend this! you say the movie was boring fair enough some uneducated people are entitled to their own opinion's but you people cant even apreciate the time and visual images you get from this film! to shoot a whole film in voyeristic shots is unbelievable not one camera scene is 'normal' throughout the entire film.

i suggest insead of commenting on things you just dont understand you should go watch something more along you level......i dont know like a quinten tarantino movie......or.......maybe something EVEN simpler like.......AMERICAN PIE.....because im sure you will find that an absolout masterpiece....hahaha


Chinese art cinema is slower paced. Less emphasis on plot. Just comes with the package.

I wouldn't agree that people who don't enjoy this movie are somehow stupid, although I think those of you who didn't are missing something. If you're looking for more plot heavy, fast pacing, you should probably stay away from most Chinese cinema. Even "Hero" or "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are both brooding and slow for action movies. You should also avoid Japanese cinema, except for the newer stuff, they're starting to pick up the MTV editing style so big in the States.

I myself loved the film. It has a strange, vignette feel to it, and it certainly doesn't have the pacing of most American films, which I liked. But to each his own, I suppose.


to thesalaryman:

1. i am not white.
2. it's ironic to see insults towards the 'uneducated' coming from someone who spells "losers" wrong...TWICE. (not to mention a whole lot of other words, and someone's name)
3. wong kar wai may have taken storytelling to a whole new level, but to me, this film's story was rather repulsive. so tony leung is a depressed womaniser. so what?
4. it hasn't ever been said in this thread (i don't think) that we don't appreciate the visuals. it's the STORY that's the problem. try reading properly.
5. this is to the next poster: i actually do watch slow movies, as long as it's good, i don't mind. but i really didn't like this one. you said we might have missed something - what did you find in this film that i might've missed?

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.


3. wong kar wai may have taken storytelling to a whole new level, but to me, this film's story was rather repulsive. so tony leung is a depressed womaniser. so what?

What do you mean so what? Poor guy got his heart broken, give him a break


Chizz Shark, I heard what you're saying, but I think you really should take other (admittedly saner) posters' advice to heart and actually watch the previous movies by Wong (In the Mood for Love and Days of Being Wild) to understand the STORY and the CHARACTERS in 2046. Because there's a huge amount of further character development going on in 2046 which is a continuation from these two movies (watch Carina Lau in Days of Being Wild and you'll understand why she's one of the automatons on the train). Then come back and tell us if you don't appreciate this movie.

And to answer your question about what you might have missed - read the MASSES of POSITIVE REVIEWS of the film on this site. You will find all the people who love this movie genuinely took a lot of insights from it, and not because this is a WKW film. Also, check out the Favourite Scenes thread on here, that might teach you something about what to appreciate in this masterpiece.


I’m glad watching movies makes you intelligent because if intelligence was based on anything like spelling or grammar you’d look a little foolish with your post.

By the way, I enjoyed 2046 and I am white. I’m not exactly sure what the color of your skin has to do with enjoying 2046. Since I enjoyed it, though, I guess I can join the ranks of pretentious pricks who believe they are superior to others because of something as common as watching a movie. I can also lump people into nonsensical stereotypes based on the movies they go see and then use the tried and true cheep shot of, “why don’t you go watch American Pie.” Sweet!!!!!!

NOTE: If there are any spelling or grammatical errors in my comment it is ok because I like 2046 and not American Pie, so don’t even go there you stupid white LOSERS.


Wow...I should feel insulted, but I don't think the stupidity of that statement has sunk in quite yet.

I'm as white as the background on this very website, yet I think this film and others like it are brilliant, and a testament to the works of cinema and what can be done with them. And if you want to keep going by making racist statments and then topping it by saying that the detractors of the film (who are apparently all white) must be uneducated? Wow. Someone should have told that to ol' cracker Albert Einstein. He'd be crushed to know that despite what all signs showed, apparently he must be a bumbling idiot due to his skin tone.

And another thing...Yeah, American Pie is a sh*tty movie. So don't even bring that one up. And I know many people of ALL DIFFERENT RACES who love and adore that movie, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, you name it. However, I, the white guy, find it embarrassing as hell to have come from my own gene pool.

And as for Quentin Tarantino, this one's just leading me to believe that you're just another angry film school student who's jealous of his success, and can't put a buck together to make your crappy life story, or whatever you're planning.

Oh, and it's spelled "loser".


Now get the hell off the internet and go back to playing with your G.I. Joes.


On the other hand, I would like to thank you for defending such a wonderful movie. Just try to go about it different ways, and maybe people will pay more attention to your views.)


>>there are 2 words that sums this thread up and that is ........... WHITE PEOPLE! <<

Uhm, can you make that white Americans? I'm part of the following of this film, European and "white".

Nadine :)


"I don't know what it was about and don't even care."
then its safe to say that your criticism isnt worth very much.

film reviews + photography >> [email protected] -


You really need to be in the right mood to watch this film, and you need to be prepared to take in the subtle details. Oddly enough, I was quite depressed when I put the film on, and I loved it (soothed my depression too!).


Agreed! It helps if you are also a drifter romantically.

"Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece." -Christopher Walken, Man on Fire


To be honest, I enjoy slow movies (one of my favorite movies is Once Upon A Time In America, 4 hours and very slow), I watch a lot of slow movies and watch a lot of slow movies that a lot of my friends wouldn't even watch for a half hour because they think its too slow/boring.

However, concerning this movie, 2046, I totally have to agree with the thread starter, it is boring as hell. And when I think a movie is slow/boring than it must be really boring/slow, since I have a high tolerance for slow/boring movies.

Like earlier said the movie is just so pointless and unsatifying. It's too bad this movie influenced the image that I have about eastern movies.


You really need to be in the right mood to watch this film, and you need to be prepared to take in the subtle details. Oddly enough, I was quite depressed when I put the film on, and I loved it (soothed my depression too!).

I completely agree!

I think this is the kind of film which improves on multiple viewings.
It can be slow in some parts, but it certainly wasn't boring for me.


americans americans ...


I don't actually enjoy a lot the Asian cinematography and I knew nothing about the director before watching this movie. People talked about 'Hero' or 'Crouching Tiger...', but I never got a grip on those two or others alike, I haven't felt them enriching my spiritual experience in any way. I thought it was a matter of culture and I've asked several Chinese people what was all about, but they couldn't give me any hint, what do I miss there, why I'm so bored watching them.

There are some exceptions, of course, and 'In The Mood For love' was one of them, but haven't really learned the name of this guy, so his 'part II' was a big surpise for me, finding out that it continues the story of 'In The Mood For Love'.

It became instantly one of my favorite movies. It's a unique sound/video experience, in my opinion. Behind this multimedia layer one may find poetry, philosophy or fantasy as well. I have seen it for several times to better understand the several different ideas and aspects in the movie. To discover and feel more subtle shaddowy corners. And this is the reason why I'm reading this thread. I think everybody who has something to say about it, good or bad, can contribute to a better understanding of it. So, I don't disagree with those whose point of view is: 'boring', 'useless' etc. Only, regarding the above, I'm curious why somebody would find it boring, for instance.

Unfortunatelly, there are not many people actually saying that they disliked some specific things about the movie; apparently it's a sort of 'love it or hate it', a matter of mood and personality.

I'm on the side who claims '2046' was a masterpiece. The team behind the movie had a very complex task to accomplish. It's so hard to explain the paradox about the inner dreams, about the perfect love and how those dreams of love come and actually prevent you from finding it. Somebody would try and preserve what he think it was that perfect love, try and find it again, but runs away every time he gets closer, as the first time happened actually. Because one could get really scared thinking of what could possibly happen just touching this vapor. Anybody dreaming for a long time of somebody/something understands the mix of feelings and the hesitation when the dream is almost reality, almost here. I think it's basically the same ideea in Tarkovsky's 'Stalker', where the guys arrived next to the 'chamber of the only and the single one your real wish becoming true', at the end of an incredibly long and dangerous journey, step back, give up entering the room.

Now I got to go...But it's a materpiece...Word of honor! :-)


After reading much of the dribble in this thread, I must congratulate you on this intelligent and well thought out response. One of the best posts I've seen on IMDB. Great film BTW :)


After reading much of the dribble in this thread, I must congratulate you on this intelligent and well thought out response. One of the best posts I've seen on IMDB. Great film BTW :)


i agree with someone that said the thread is boring and the movie was awesome. I guess i like the slow moving scenes, most people today, though, prefer faster paced shots, usualy about 3 to 5 seconds each.


