MovieChat Forums > Snatch (2001) Discussion > no girl characters make for a great film...

no girl characters make for a great film?

both snatch and lockstock only have one girl character with lines the pikey mum and the card dealer in lock stock this tbh makes the films so much better because it eliminates all the boring emotional crap that ruined layer cake and rock n rolla it is the perfect way to make a good guys movie anyone else agree and have any other films with the same thing


It had girl characters . In fact it had sexy female characters (twins)- proper focus and lack for pointless romance makes for good crime action movie , not the absence of females


You missed the point. None of the females characters were significant. They said a couple of lines and that's it. We are talking about the type of crap that ruined "Zombieland", in my opinion. Sticking females in a movie just to have that demographic is lame.



You're an idiot.

Expiration dates are mere suggestions! Like late fees and traffic lights.



i don't agree for the most part, but for certain genres of films then perhaps lacking women characters could be beneficial to their success....

however in this film a "girl character" formed a part of what made this film incredible. that being mikey's mum, if he didn't have such a strong attachment to his mother, then there would be an enormous plot hole.

furthermore, all the women cast were absolutely incredible. the woman at the bookies was absolutely brilliant. "all, bets, are, off." - the hardest woman in the world to stare two robbers in the eye telling them that while having a shotgun in her face, pretty much without any scared type reaction.

the twins were fantastic too, although they didn't have much to say, when they did they were great. the scene where bullet tooth tony sits in-between the two of them was brilliant as well.

it seems you're pretty devoid of emotions, but without emotions there aren't any movies. you can't stereotype women with being emotional, as we have seen with the bookie scene.



ummmmmm, layer cake was not ruined. far from it. lmao

defy me and i will cuss you out, grasshopper. lmao

Once there was a hushpuppy, and she lived with her Daddy in the bathtub.


Pretty much.


I disagree but what happens here is they don't use women to add emotion to the movie. The film accepts that men had feelings and they aren't concerned with screwing.


The great thing about the casting in 'Snatch' isn't that it's all male, it's that none of the actors are beautiful people. Even Brad Pitt is dressed and directed to be a relative bozo. The short scene with the jeweler ogling the girls modeling jewelry is the only eye candy moment in the show. Otherwise, the women cast are interesting faces and strong, if briefly exposed, personalities.


Did we forget about the gaggle of nude women in the strip bar in the Bullet Tooth Tony flashback?
