So.... if I'm understanding you correctly, then are you saying I can't explicitly direct my complaints to the writers? Who am I supposed to direct it to? Am I not free to do so?
dude, calm down with the exclamation points/question marks... I think we're on roughly the same page here anyway. Like I said, not all great stories need a conventional female lead, that I agree with you, and I have stated all along. Some great stories like Ellen Ripley, Batman, Kill Bill, etc. depend on a great conventional female lead; Other great stories like this movie Snatch, Patriot Games, Hunt for Red October, Jack Ryan series, Above the Law, Hard to Kill, Jack Reacher, the 24 TV series, even Ben-Hur, Gladiator and Predator - they all have an unconventional, non-physical, non-"martial arts" action female lead, but that doesn't mean the female leads aren't 'great', they are great in their own right, that they send out something more than meets the eye -- their quiet inner strength and character. That's what makes superb writing, and even more difficult to conceive, execute and materialize onscreen. Terminator 2's Sarah Connor combined those two conventional and unconventional elements, and it made a great story of a mother protecting her son to the bitter end, but staying true to her vulnerability, yet maintaining her inner strength. Like an iron fist wrapped in velvet. Person Of Interest's Joss Carter also combined those two elements and that's one of the reasons that's made POI currently a hit TV series.
The OP didn't bother to explicitly blame anyone else, not even post again to explain himself further, but he sure as hell said in that running sentence of his that adding female characters to these type of stories would be a negative to the film, quoting
"no girl characters... tbh makes the films so much better because it eliminates all the boring emotional crap that ruined layer cake and rock n rolla it is the perfect way to make a good guys movie"
Like I said in my first reply, if the writing is
*not done right* then of course the movie suffers from the "boring emotional crap". HOWEVER. If it
IS *done right*, then you would hear little to no complaints whatsoever in regards to a female role in a certain guys' movie.
" magnificent bastard, I read your book!"