My favorite qoute

Avi is by far my favorite character and when he said:

And this schmuck is gambling? You're talking about Franky "I've got a problem with gambling" *beep* Four Fingers Doug.

I lost it! Anyone else like this qoute?


I'd prefer this hilarious "London!" loop in his NY office after Franky reports he has the stone.


do you like dags


I got a few, bare with me:

Bullet Tooth Tony: So, you are obviously the big dick. The men on the side of ya are your balls. There are two types of balls. There are big brave balls, and there are little mincey *beep* balls.
Vinny: These are your last words, so make them a prayer.
Bullet Tooth Tony: Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two small mincey *beep* balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties mangled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got Replica written down the side of your gun...
[Zoom in on the side of Sol's gun, which indeed has REPLICA etched on the side; zoom out, as they sneak peeks at the sides of their guns]
Bullet Tooth Tony: And the fact that I've got Desert Eagle point five O...
[Withdraws his gun and puts it on the table]
Bullet Tooth Tony: Written down the side of mine...
[They look, zoom in on the side of his gun, which indeed has DESERT EAGLE .50 etched on the side]
Bullet Tooth Tony: Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... **** off!

Turkish: Have you ever crossed the road, and looked the wrong way? A car's nearly on you? So what do you do? Something very silly. You freeze. Your life doesn't flash before you, 'cause you're too ****in' scared to think - you just freeze and pull a stupid face. But the pikey didn't. Why? Because he had plans of running the car over.

Brick Top: In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary... come again?

Tommy: Who took the jam outta your doughnut?
Turkish: You took the ****ing jam outta my doughnut, Tommy. You did.

Errol: Are you Turkish?
Turkish: Well I'm not ****in' Greek now, am I?

Vinny: Why are we stopped here? What's wrong with that spot?
Tyrone: It's too tight.
Vinny: Too tight? You could land a jumbo ****ing jet in that

Sol: What the **** is that?
Vinny: Heh heh. This is a shotgun, Sol.
Sol: It's a ****ing anti-aircraft gun, Vincent.
Vinny: Well I wanna raise some pulses, don't I?
Sol: You'll raise Hell. Never mind pulses.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


Vinny: Why are we stopped here? What's wrong with that spot?
Tyrone: It's too tight.
Vinny: Too tight? You could land a jumbo ****ing jet in that
This is one of my favourite moments in the film and such a great exchange. Ah Tyrone, bless him!
I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


Tommy: "Is he allowed to do that?"
Turkish: "It's an unlicenced boxing match, Tommy. Not a tickling competition."


Is the idea of an odd "dog" pronunciation not taken from "The Pink Panther" series of films ?


I doubt it.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


This is my signature:

You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fu*king Poppins... LONDON.


Brick Top: In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary... Come Again.

Bloody Classic!!!



"Anything to declare?"
"Yeah, don't go to England!"

"What's in the car?"
"Seats and a steering wheel"

"Is that a tea cozy on his head?"


Paraphrasing a bit but..

Sol: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't have time to get the bi-noc-u-lars out."

It's the delivery of 'binoculars' that absolutely kills me.

Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose? - Mal


All my favourite Brick Top quotes got edited into a youtube video called "Snatch Wars". I highly recommend watching it as it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on You Tube. Cheers.

"There's nothing wrong with it Tommy, it's tip top, I just don't like the colour."

"Which it will be ready when it's READY!" Preserved Killick, Master and Commander


I love the squeeking dog scene when Avi tells Tony to open up the Dog.

"He's not a tin of baked beans, Avi."

Christmas: What did he say?

Caesar: He said "we're dead" with an accent.


Brick Top: ''I wanna use the pikey''
Turkish: ''All right, of course''
Brick Top: ''Of course *beep* of course''

Always makes my day


I think my favorite quote from the entire movie has got to be the robbery of the bookies:

"Why are we stopped here for? What's a matter with that space over there?"
"It's too tight."
"Too tight? You could land a jumbo-f$#@#ing-jet in there!"
"Leave him alone, he's a natural. Ain't you Tyrone?"
"'Course I am."
"A natural f&#$ing idiot! Tyrone, what have you done?"
"Yeah, Tyrone, what have you done?"
"Look, hassle me, now you see what happens!"
"No, don't move it now otherwise people will see the damage! What'd you do that for?"
"I didn't see it there!"
"It's a four ton truck Tyrone! It's not as though it's a packet of f&$%ing peanuts is it?"
"It was a funny angle!"
"It's behind you Tyrone! Whenever you reverse things come from behind you!"

I'm a mushroom cloud layin' mother&$#@er, mother@#$@er!


"Tony, look in the dog"

I *beep* 'ate pikeys!


'Pull your tongue out of my *beep* Gary...'


I think just about every exchange between Tyrone, Sol and Vincent had me nearly in tears.

Visit for movie news and reviews.


There are so many classic lines in this movie it is hard to pick just one. I agree with all of the lines posted so far. No matter how many times I watch this movie, I can't help laugh my ass of like the first time.

Anyone who doesn't think Guy Ritchie is a genius should watch this movie over again.


i agree about those three stooges. i was nearly in tears the scene when the driver was trying to get out of the car, the time it took him, the look of disbelief from the one in the back seat - when he finally asks the question about what does he get away from, i nearly fell of my chair LOL

if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college


Have to give it to every conversation between Sol, Vince and Tyrone. They are just failing miserably at everything they do in this movie - without exception everything.

But it's really the one-liners that make this movie so great, regardless of character.

"Need to have a *beep*

"It's not like he's a fakkin set of car keys, now is it?"

And you've gotta love the narration. It's almost as good as in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

"Tommy - the tit - is praying. And if he isn't, he fakkin should be."

"All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last."
- Marcel Proust


Tyrone: Just worry about that dog on my seats(in the stolen car).

Avi: Why do they call him the Bullet-Dodger?
Bullet Tooth Tony: [gives him an odd look] Because he dodges bullets, Avi.

Doug the Head: We've got sandy beaches …
Avi: Yeah? So who the f$@# wants to see 'em?

but pretty much everything in this movie


"Woo-Squeak-ooof, Woo-squeak-ooof"


"Do you take sugar?"
"Not thanks Turkish, I'm sweet enough."

"Which it will be ready when it's READY!" Preserved Killick, Master and Commander


1) The line that has me in tears every time is when they're in the bookies & I think it's Vinny who examines that dude w/ a briefcase & he says

"You've got 5 fingers"

the way he says it.

2) "anything to declare?"
"Yeah, don't go to England"

3)"Do you know what nemesis means...... manifested by a 'orrible c()nt."

You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you’ve created- Adama


can someone please explain the joke to me "in the quiet words of the virgin mary, come again"

i got everything in the movie except that one.

thank much


my tagline! ^^

"you should never underestimate the predicability of stupidity" - Bullet Tooth Tony


Yeah, it's a bit obscure. Usually such a run in as, "in the words of the Lord" or " in the words of the Virgin Mary" qould be followed by a quote from the bible but in comedy it's often followed by a line like "f@ck off" or "Who gives a f@ck" in this case it just happens to be the rather mild but unconnected, "come again" which is a rather English expression and unlikely to appear in the bible.

"Which it will be ready when it's READY!" Preserved Killick, Master and Commander


Mary is a virgin, therefore, no one has ever come in her.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here


I took it that the Virgin Mary was quietly asking God for some more of what he had already given her...


LOL yes! i love the way he says "youve got 5 fingers..." , theres just this really depressing sound in his voice lol

"Who is This under my Knife!" - Bill "The Butcher" Cutting


I loved the accent of Benicio Del Toro... It was just so funny... But for me, the best lines are in the dialogue between Tony and Sal, Vincent and Tyrone. It was just brilliant. There is also one line from Turkish to Tommy that I loved:

"Why do you need a gun, Tommy?"
"For protection!"
"For protection from what, Tommy? Ze Germans?"

"Why so serious?"
