who saw this at the cinema 20 years ago?
remember it being out and a biggish hit and the link with Castaway was known about in film magazines etc. Ford and Pfeifer was a cool pairing(Ford still a huge above the title star with any more Star Wars unthinkable at that point, even more Indy a long way off) and it was obviously abit of a big deal of a movie like a modern day Hitchcock homage movie but maybe partly influenced by the success of the 6th Sense the previous year with all the ghosts/twists
I didn't see it until rental a few months after probably VHS from Blockbuster but must've been a cool thing to see at the cinema.. back then Hitchcock movies weren't so long ago as now (obviously) so alot of even causal movie fans would be tuned into stuff like Rear Window, Vertigo, North by NorthWest, Psycho, The Birds