Not to be cruel

But people who commit suicide for no good reason other than they're depressed get no sympathy from me.


Are you suggesting the is a good reason to commit suicide? I'm confused...


I don't know if this will make sense at all but I will try and explain: People who commit suicide (or try to) do so for reasons that only make sense to them. I'm not saying that they're crazy but every person who has or has tried to commit suicide has their own reasons for doing so.

Money isn't the root of all evil. Love of money is.


There are people with depression, there are people with life crushing overwhelming depression. Then there are people with enough depth and intelligence to understand those people and know the illness isn't because it rains some day's. Then there are people that don't have a clue, don't care to have a clue, don't get what isn't in front of them and are not capapable of understanding mental illness and would prefer to through em all in hospitals but cry when their taxes pay for them. Guess which one the OP is..... Some people that kill themselves want to live. They weren't always as sick or at least they know life can be wonderful, just not for them. They suffer. Their families suffer. Imagine having physical pain so great you would rsther be dead. People truly feel that same kind of pain but emotionally. They are helpless, hopeless and beaten down. Then they have the people like you judging them for something they can't help while they are already in so much pain. Your a true humanitarian with a heart of gold...



They didn't have 'no' reason. They didn't kill themselves just because they're parents were extremely overbearing(which can still be psychologically painful), but they lacked social interaction which is absolutely vital even in the smallest dose. On top of everything they're mourning their little sister's suicide. Suicide, especially between family members is contagious in the sense that it can make the survivors feel like they've lost touch with reality and they will never be the same.

No one kills themself for no reason. If there's a case where it seems there was no reason it just means the person was great at hiding it and genuinely didnt want anyone to know.



Exactly, Cashodeen. I agree.
People commit suicide for all kinds of reasons.
But one thing is true for all of them: The person decides whatever they are going through is too painful for them. Its not for US to decide what is a 'good' reason to do it.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I can kind of see where you're coming. But the fact you said no sympathy? I mean it's not like they were horrible people.

A lot of people don't want to make their own decisions. They are too scared. - Marilyn Manson


But people who commit suicide for no good reason other than they're depressed get no sympathy from me.

You're right. Being depressed is not a good reason to commit suicide.

However, when you're depressed...and I mean truly depressed, to the extent that you wake up crying for no reason...don't shower for days, let alone get dressed...have to give yourself a pep talk to get out of bed to go to the toilet...can't concentrate long enough to read a single sentence (assuming your eyes aren't swollen shut from all the crying)...and every single thought you have is filtered through a lens of aren't reasoning.

Your ability to reason has been taken away from you and all thoughts are being filtered through "depresso-logic", where all roads lead to "this world would be better off without you in it".

It's that internal voice that tells you that all those people in your phone you think are friends don't really want you to call them, and don't want to be burdened by your non-problem that's "all in your head". It's that internal voice that says that now that you can barely look after yourself, let alone work or study, that you're just a giant waste of space, sapping the time, energy and resources from everyone you care about.

Guess what! I've been through a major depressive episode. I still have dysthymia and anxiety, but they're being managed pretty well. Anyhow, I saw how deep that pit of depression went, and I don't want to go anywhere near it again. That place is frickin' scary!

Fortunately I went on meds before I got to the point where I was an actual threat to my own life, but I can guarantee you that all my thoughts were leading me down that road.

You don't need to have "sympathy"...but a little "empathy" would be nice, especially since you never know when and who might be struck down by this insidious disorder.

Judgment from someone like you is a depressed person's number one fear. They already have a crap-load of inappropriate guilt, so they really don't need someone else making them feeling guilty for feeling the way that they do on top of everything else.

Depression could strike down a sibling, a parent, a spouse or partner, a friend...or even you.

I truly hope you and the people you care about never go through what I went through (or worse)...but believe me when I say that statistically it's very likely, and you might want to change your attitude to one that's a little more compassionate.

You don't have to endorse suicide to understand why someone might feel that way. Actually, if you can understand someone without judgment (even if you don't agree with them) it's one of the biggest gifts you can give to someone who is in mental turmoil.

Deep down they probably know they're not thinking straight...but having someone who can both think straight AND understand them at the same time is exactly what they need to bridge the gap between them and the health-care services that will save their life.

So...ready for that attitude adjustment?


Obviously, OP, you've never been a 13 year old girl.
