How old were you when you first saw this film?
I was 13. Though I was quite a young 13 (child-like, whereas other girls in my school were more teenagery), I was immediately captured and mystified. I began to keep a diary and made it look '70s', decorating it with old pictures and cigarette cards, and filling it with all kinds of embarrassing 'why are we all here?' crap.
Anyway – the first viewing of this film marks a time where I became more interested in film, pop culture and general growing up (the theme of suicide was not my personal main focus), and now as an adult I'm wondering if anyone had a similar 'growing up' experience, with this or any other movie? I doubt it would have had the same impact on me if I’d first watched it at 22 instead. Sometimes it's as if with films, books and even songs, the age you are when you encounter them means just as much as the sentiment within the thing itself.
I hope this post is more coherant than I feel right now.