You know what I think??? (GO JEWS!)

I think Disney should make a JEWISH story. A JEWISH princess. They made everything else:
Arab (Jasmin),
Indian (Pocahontas),
Chinese (Mulan),
Greek (Hercules),
British (Peter Pan),
African (Lion king -African on the whole),
French (Beauty and the beast)
and sooooooo much more!!!! Why isn't there a JEWISH story... From the bible or something.... Who's with me???


the whole of hollywood is jewish.
why let the jews take over disney as well? although there isn't much to take over...disney just isn't the same as it used to be.


jews rae boring for the cartoon story


jews rae boring?

tomislav888 you are precious.

Can we all not simply agree that they need to make a sixth baby geniuses and be done with it?


3 stooges anyone??? They were some of the funniest people ever.


How about the Marx Brothers?


I'd be all for a Jewish princess. :)

"If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me!"
