You know what I think??? (GO JEWS!)

I think Disney should make a JEWISH story. A JEWISH princess. They made everything else:
Arab (Jasmin),
Indian (Pocahontas),
Chinese (Mulan),
Greek (Hercules),
British (Peter Pan),
African (Lion king -African on the whole),
French (Beauty and the beast)
and sooooooo much more!!!! Why isn't there a JEWISH story... From the bible or something.... Who's with me???


Um... maybe because Walt was an anti-semite? Hell, he was practically a card-carrying member of the Nazi party!


yeah, would be a nice idea, but would completely go against walt disney's beliefs. disney was an anti-semite and some of his views are slightly hinted at in some of his films. okay, so hating jews is wrong, but surely creating a new film under his name which contradicts his beliefs cannot be right?


Disney should do a film about the Aborigionies in Australia. Or about Icelandic people...or vikings.


Never seen any.
Examples please.

I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!


uh i don't mean to be picky, but pocahontas is not Indian, she is native american. there is a difference.


Walt Disney an anti-semite? Yes that that is the gossip they tell about him. But have you really verified if this is true, or have you just blindly taken in the words of some malicious biographer? (the guy who wrote 'Hollywood's dark prince', for instance?)

I just want to say: be carefull about taking such 'established wisdoms' unthinkingly.

I'm reading Neal Gabler's biography of Walt Disney right now; this is well researched (seven years of study) and Gabler himself said in an interview that it is not true Walt Disney was an anti-semite.


Also, if Walt was indeed an anti-Semite, would he have won an award from B'nai Brith, a JEWISH organization?

I found the Fountain of Youth! It's the toilet!


I'm jewish and live in Israel, and I don't believe that about Disney. He was not a man of hate, why hate us?
Anyways, I doubt them making a jewish film, but I'd love to see one.


I love how you stated that there was an African story in the Lion King? Really, because I didn't see any people in there. I saw animals. "Lions and tigers and bears oh my..."

Did you see an African prince or an animal prince? Tsk tsk. And they already made a JEWISH movie, PRINCE OF EGYPT. It was actually pretty good. You should watch it.

And Pocahontas dear, was not Indian, she was Native American. To my knowledge there has never been an Indian Princess although there should be one!


Alright, I'm a Jewish adult from England, let me clear somethings up for you people

1. Jewish is way of life
2. There are PLENTY of jewish heriones to write about, more than you can think of.
3. Walt disney was anti-semetic, so I don't see that happening
4. I'd love to see a movie about a Jewish heronie, but alot of Jews don't watch movies, so they wouldn't bother seeing it.
5. It's true, not many people would understand it.

Proud Maiko Shipper :)


Walt Disney was definitely NOT Anti-Semitic, his strong opinions about many things aside. Also, according to the biography, "Walt Disney: An American Original" by Bob Thomas (considered by the Disney Family themselves to be the official biography), Walt's father Elias had strong Socialist leanings, which would make Walt closer to a Communist (although, ironically, Walt testified in favor of the US Government in the McCarthy hearings). Walt himself was a very private person in matters of religion, and although he was given to having very strong opinions about many things, he never showed any bias against anyone regarding race, creed, religion or anything else towards the employees at the Studio. In fact, the only thing he ever publicly took a stand against at the Studios was the Unions- but when Unions were voted into the Studio, he was the first to offer the olive branch of peace, as it were.

Walt Disney was a great man, and great men are often the target of rumors and urban legends- the vast majority of which are grossly over-exaggerated. Notice that I didn't say he was perfect- none of us are, even those who would maintain that Walt was a Jew hater. I defy ANYONE (including myself) to prove that they are truly non-prejudicial toward any race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political leaning, etc.


C'mon, folks, before you go about spouting 'facts', do a bit of research first. I would point out that the best place to research movie facts would be- the Internet Movie Database. If you did that, you'd realize that "The Prince of Egypt" was NOT A DISNEY MOVIE. It was made by Dreamworks Animation (although the producer, Jeffrey Katzenberg, who is Jewish, used to work at Disney, so that would explain the confusion).


You forget all the german princesses. As there were, Snow White ("Schneewittchen"), Sleeping Beauty ("Dornröschen"), Cinderella ("Aschenputtel"), ...

I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!


al this thread is ppl saying their oppinions and having a go at ppl for getting stuff wrong,
i dont belive we should say "yer! the jewish ppl haven't got a film! lets make them one becos the bristish have got peter pan and the native americans have pocahontas"
just let them make films that we can all enjoy!
anyway thats what i believe! i'm sure all ways of life have good stories that could be made into films, and i'm sure they should be, so just enjoy!


How about an animated Anne Frank? Not a princess, but a Jewess nonetheless. A non-practicing one at that.


Another Prince of Egypt?

Hell no!


I want a New Zealand-based Disney movie. Seeing as we are complaining and all.

"Her existence alone was excuse enough to justify the creation of the entire world"-Edward Cullen


I'm kind of angered/astounded over all the people spewing that Walt Disney was an anti-Semite and passing it off as if it's fact. Further, reading anything with a bias against Disney doesn't help your case (like the book stated earlier by another poster). Honestly, people! t side_1933d.html

It's over now, the music of the night..




I am not saying they shouldn't,
but i think part of the reason there isn't one, at least in the 'classic' Disney collection is because Walt Disney was quite anti-Semitic, and probably would not have allowed it.

Obviously that should now longer be an issue, but could explain why they did not do one back when they made the original Disney Classics
