A 7.7 still too low!
Who's with me???
shareAbsolutely its too low, at least regarding scoring from the general population and not critics. Its currently sitting at 89% at Rotten Tomatoes. What you have to ask at this point is why is there such a huge discrepancy regarding IMDB's scores and Rotten Tomatoes. I think its because IMDB tries to get a single score and is thus combining both score from critics and scores from the general population and its no secret that critics usually score films much lower than the general population so I think IMDB's entire scoring system is highly flawed. I think RT has a much better approach, that being keep the 2 scores separate.
Regardless of which site you like better or which system you like better, there is no denying that in terms of the general population, IMDB's scores are highly inaccurate, sometimes by as much as 1.5 to 2 points, out of 10. Thats a 15%-20% difference at times. My advice would be to just ignore IMDB's score and use RT's instead. Its just a vastly superior way of scoring films as critics and the general population score films in completely different methods. Combining the 2 really doesn't make a lot of sense. Better to keep them separate and give each film 2 scores, one from critics and one from the general population. And when you do that, most of the films people deem underrated on IMDB get much better scores. That in itself really proves how much better RT's scoring system is.
Still Shooting With Film!
Right!?!? Great movie!!!
shareI thought anything between a 8.1-8.6 would be in line with my range.
So I was surprised to see a 7.7. But these things happen. I think the
problem might be that it bursts some stereotypes. Things people just dont
want to believe. And there are some movies that, for the life of me, I dont
know why they are rated so high. So...you never know.
"meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with mustard"
I've watched it several times and it still scares me, releases my adrenaline and creeps me out. I'd give it an 8.2