I'm a teacher and student government advisor at a small middle school. I can say that if the election was rigged that it would be conduct unbecoming of a teacher, and that would violate my contract, and I would be asked to resign.
However, my second year at this school, I was going over the student council votes with the principal and for vice president, the race was very close. She wanted one student to win, and I would have been happy with either of them. She told me to just announce the one she wanted to win as the winner, even though the other kid won. I told her that wouldn't be fair, so she told me to announce it as a tie, and have two vice presidents. Thats what I did, and it was good. I couldn't help but think of this movie when it happened, and the stink that could have occurred. I didn't want to take something from the kid who won, but I had to follow instructions, so it worked out for the best. In caae you're wondering the principal retired this year, and it couldn't have happened soon enough.