Worst of the Nine

Hands down, this is the worst of the nine Star Wars films.




It would be the worst - because it's an awful - movie in this trilogy if AOTC didn't exist, because that movie is fucking terrible. This is a very bad movie, you're right about that though.


My only complaint with RoT besides the obvious cringe line “from my point of view the Jedi are evil,” is the lack of action for Padme. All she does the entire film is sit around her house being pregnant when in the previous films she was stronger female character than Rey.


funny, for me is one of the best of the saga together with the Empire strikes back.


This was one of the best ones, totally disagree.


No that would be Rise of Skywalker. Rehashed recycled plot with way too much fan service. Almost like a greatest hits concert by a cover band. Revenge of the Sith has some bad moments but is hardly a bad film.


No! "Phantom Menace" and "Rise of Skywalker" are worse! Much worse!

This isn't a great movie, it's not even really a good movie, it's an incredibly flawed movie with some great elements. The mind-boggling opening battle, the duel on the lava planet, the tragedy of Order 66... but mainly, it has Ian McDiarmuid as Palpatine giving the performance of a lifetime. Palpatine is such a fantastic character, fascinating and clever and able to run rings around everyone else, and McDiarmuid gives an absolutely delicious performance. He's clever and charismatic, eeeevil and seductive, menacing and camp, and he did it all without any input from his director!

Yes, George "Worse Actor's Director Alive" Lucas doesn't care what his actors do, which is why the young leads are unwatchable, and the old pro supporting players steal the movies.


Six there are. No more, no less.
