The OT's Prequel Trilogy Rule Book

1. "When I first knew him, your father was already a great pilot, but I was amazed how strongly the Force was with him. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi."
Anakin must already be a great pilot, not pushing buttons going "Oops", "What does this do?", etc. Obi Wan must be amazed by his force powers, not reading the results of any scientific blood tests. He's not going to take over his training as the death wish of anyone else, he's taking it upon himself

2. "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights."
Sounds cool this one. Probably get the best part of a film out of showing the fallen Jedi helping the Emperor trying to find and kill the Jedi

3. "That boy is our last hope" "No, there is another"
Obi Wan has no knowledge of anyone else other than Luke who may be able to defeat Vader / The Emperor. Only Yoda knows that there is someone else hidden away. Easy enough this one, just ensure Obi Wan not at the twins birth or even aware that there are twins.

4. "Leia, do you remember your mother? Your real mother." "She was... very beautiful. Kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?" "She was... very beautiful. Kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?" "I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her"
Again, pretty simple. Leia lived with her mother until old enough to remember some specifics, Luke clearly didn't.

That's it. Easy. You've got three films to spread this stuff over. Just follow these simple rules and you've got a prequel stew' going...


Star wars has always had continuity errors or logic lasps even within films.

Anakin was a great pilot when Obi first knew him. He was a pod racer pilot and had a natural ability for it. As Anakin said when he was in the Naboo's just like Pod Racing. Also we you first know someone it's not just over a matter of a few minutes or days, it can be a year.


Wrong. He was a pod racer who had never previously finished a race. The Naboo fighter was the first time he'd stepped into an actual ship and he didn't know what to do. That is not by any stretch of the imagination a "great pilot".

Also we you first know someone it's not just over a matter of a few minutes or days, it can be a year.

Seriously? 😂 Like I said, it's easy. Just follow the simple rules given by the dialogue.


True he never finished a race before he got a few force tips from qui gon. But he was also the only human that could pilot a pod racer. Plus those pods could fly into the atmosphere. They were essentially since Obi Wan was a pathelogical liar as shown later in ESB and ROTJ. We can pretty much discount most of what he said in ANH.


Well we know he was lying re the Vader killing his father line as he gives us, the audience, the shifty eyes so we know that isn't true there and then. But what's the ROTJ revealed lie?


I didn't say he lied in ROTJ. But once he told Luke the whole story that we realize he's a liar..


We don't realise he was a liar - we only realise that Yoda has now told him the full truth. Obi Wan was unaware of Leia's existence until that point.

So I'm not too sure about being a pathological liar. The only lie I see is the one he told - with the full knowledge of the audience - to shield Luke at that point in ANH...



But you have to admit.. any long running tv show or movie series is gonna have continuity errors. I don't think there is one that I Know of that's perfect. Look at all the comedy shows where the baby of the family is 3 years old after a season or changes made to shows like supernatural. That show changed its premise after the first season.
It started with a family that was hunting monsters, than they decided there is a whole group of hunters with more knowledge than the Winchester's father....


Its been 20 years

Get over it already


Well written! Great pilot doesn’t mean flying “oops” or “what does this button do” into the Trade Federation Hangar Bay and accidentally shooting a pair of torpedos into the Reactor Core, which are stupidly in the hangar bay, destroying the ship and ending the Battle of Naboo in an instant...

George had a simple template to work with and he still managed to goof it up.

Obi-Wan specifically mentioned Anakin being a great star pilot or starfighter pilot, and yet we hardly see him flying a starfighter and being the best.


because lucas do not pay attention to own film. he do not understand his own story or character he create. lucas could make good prequel film based on all these point you write, but lucas is haxxor. the more i think about prequel, the more i think he just stumble on star wars in 1977, a complete accident it was success. other peoples probably make that film good. he just take all credit.


Yeah, I think there was some luck involved. Also the fact that they made the first trilogy pretty much back to back meant there wasn't time for him to forget what the story was between episodes!

I think Lucas was primarily a great film maker. It was just a lucky by-product that he built this mythology which was stuck in the minds of the generation that grew up on the OT. So when he went back to it almost twenty years later, he just went with the same mindset of trying to make a fun film and obviously didn't think too much about the points listed in the OP.


I think Lucas was primarily a great film maker

I once think this too but have doubt now. THX 1138 was bore. Americans Graffiti have weak script & no plots but have good editing and entertain (like prequel).

Lucas have good idea. I dont think he can write script. does not understand actor. i wonder how much credit he take for original trilogy. he do nothing since original trilogy come out except shit prequel which tell me lot.

he just went with the same mindset of trying to make a fun film and obviously didn't think too much about the points listed in the OP.

yes. but he cross line. why does darth vaders build c3po. why? jar jar is not star wars character, we find him in cartoon. if lucas have real talent then he recognize these thing are dumb and dont put them in film. he make prequel more like OT. problem with prequel is they nothing like OT!


1. I always felt that, in addition to being older, Anakin should have been on the ship, escaping with them from Naboo. He should have been the pilot or taken over (pilot got killed) and saved them from the jam. I'm not sure what would happen next (the whole Tattooine thing would be gone - not that that's a bad thing) but I just thought that would be way more interesting.

You also raise a good point about the blood test. In addition to midi-chlorians just being cringy and a terrible lore addition (I don't know why the PT gets credit for the "lore/world-building" it did; most of it is garbage...) it's also "tell, don't show," which is a common problem in the PT as well. You're right: they should have demonstrated Anakin's promising abilities in the Force instead of just telling us about them.

2. Missed opportunity, wasn't it?

3. While a few lines are minor problems, yes, that's one of many continuity goofs.

4. Again: yeah, another continuity muck-up.


Lucas's whole point of the Pod Race was to show that Anakin was already a great pilot. I agree it's not the best thing and it really doesn't come off that way. It would've been smarter to introduce him as a trained and veteran adult pilot because the little kid pod race just seems like another pointless showcase of dated 90's CGI.


Yeah, true.

Although (even discounting arguements about whether that's more driving really than piloting a ship) as I said further up on this thread, he'd never previously finished a race! So not exactly what you could consider great!
