Best of it's trilogy

I'm not saying it's a good movie, but it's easily the best of the prequels.

1. It's got the best characters. Qui Gon - who was only in 1 movie - and Maul - who barely spoke - are some of the more popular things to come out of the prequels. Maul was waaaaaaaay more interesting than Dooku by a mile. Maul would whoop Dooku's ass. Dooku would only win because he was written tougher.

2. Best effects. The CGI environments in II and III were terrible. There were real environments. The only bad effect in this movie is sometimes you could tell people weren't looking Jar Jar in the eye.

3. None of that silly twirling and CGI flipping like with Yoda, Palpatine, or Dooku. The fights are too rehearsed looking in Episodes II and III.


I am saying it's a good movie but it's not the best of the prequels. That would be ROTS, easily. TPM did feature the most impressive lightsaber duel of the entire saga though.


No, this is not a "good movie". It's fine if you like it, but it's pretty universally panned.

ROTS ssuuuuuuccccks. People fooled themselves into liking it because they were sick of not liking Star Wars. It's an insincere score, kinda like Avatar. Stupid CGI backgrounds, bad lightsaber fights, more of the bad romance, Palpatine's faces: LOL! Putting a lightsaber in his hands was ridiculous.


You're delusional!


the top left pic looks like joe biden


Row 2, Column 3 is Emperor Constipated.


revenge of the shit


The Phantom Menass.


I always get a good laugh at that collection of photos.


No, this is not a "good movie". It's fine if you like it, but it's pretty universally panned.

It's fine if you don't like it but overstating your opinion as a "universal" consensus is simply false.


Don't be fucking stupid, everyone knows Sith is the best.


Revenge of the Sith was the worst film of them all. It appeals to juvenile males because they ramped the BADASS !!! factor up to 11 !!! Which is another way of saying they tried to make it epic all the bloody time and it just became relentlessly tedious.


You can be silent as well.


I can be or not and it's my decision !


"Revenge of the Sith was the worst film of them all. It appeals to juvenile males because they ramped the BADASS !!! factor up to 11 !!! Which is another way of saying they tried to make it epic all the bloody time and it just became relentlessly tedious."

I think it's the second worst, but you are 100% on-point. it's a terrible movie.


Revenge of the Sith would be the worst if it weren't for Attack of the Clones. That movie is fucking awful.


the phantom menace is a good title too. i was surprised when so many people didn't like it.


1. Qui Gon was semi-okay, mostly because Liam Neeson is fun to watch, but the character was written paradoxically - and not in a good way. Everybody talks like he's some kind of big, Jedi rebel who's always disobeying the rules, but he behaves like a wise sage. That maverick nature doesn't come across in his mannerisms. His big rebellion is slyly training Anakin, but even then, he's just going, "Hey, kid, just watch me and learn," he isn't actually training him. Other than that he has lines about how they aren't allowed to use their powers to help Amidala (presumably by a rule that the underwritten script left out?) and he's okay with doing that. Did he bank a lot on a game of chance? Sure, but maybe (like Obi-Wan) he doesn't believe in Luck, but the Force, and it's not as risky as he thinks.

But, okay, I'll grant that Qui Gon is okay. Darth Maul, though? "Let's give him Satanface and a lightstaff instead of a sabre!" "Should we give him a personality?" "Nope!" "Won't people think his character is lacking?" "His character is Satanface Lightstaff. Shut up and call Pepsi to get that Satany-face on some cans!"

I've never understood the love for and over hype of Darth Maul. That's a flatline, cardboard cutout villain.

Dooku suffers from the same "writing" that Qui Gon got. They say he was a Jedi and it's inconceivable that this "political idealist" would have gone rogue, but we only ever see him behaving in a Dark Lord type manner. Still, I'd rather watch Dooku than Maul because Christopher Lee is always fun to watch.

Heck, even going on their fight scenes alone, I find Lee's rapier style more fun to watch than Darth Flip 'n' Twirl.

2. I honestly don't notice much of a difference between the CGI in Phantom Menace being better or worse than the others in terms of quality. Although, because they used more real locations, I suppose that it's slightly better here.

3. Yeah... the Episode I fights don't look rehearsed at all... sure.


Ray Park is super fat now.


I agree that TPM is the best of the blighted preqs. Qui Gon and Maul were both cool characters but criminally underdeveloped. And then killed. Maul was only really cool because Ray Park fight skills. That 3 way battle was the best of all the sabre fights. I only wish that they had not made him look the way they did. Kinda stupid.

TPM: 4/10
TCW: 2/10
RotS: 2.5/10

Gendy Tartakovski's short Clone Wars cartoon (not to be confused with the mediocre Clone Wars cartoon that followed) was the best thing to come from the preqs. 9/10
It is a shame that they did not let him write/direct a Star Wars movie. He could have single handedly saved the franchise had they given him all three.


I never watched much of the first Clone Wars cartoon. Hell, I barely saw any of it. I caught a few episodes of the second one and frankly don't understand why it caught on so much that it last so long, got a final season several years later, and still influences stuff like The Mandalorian. The action is so boring and flat. It's just like Episodes II and III. It's so big and grand that it's anticlimactic. All that twirling and spinning is no bueno.
