MovieChat Forums > A Perfect Murder (1998) Discussion > Horrible, disgusting ending.

Horrible, disgusting ending.

The sleazy, treacherous whore wins and poor Michael Douglas loses. At least Mortensen's slimy playboy gets it, but that's not enough. How I wish for a second alternate ending, with the hooker dead and Michael being victorious, getting away with everything.


Well probably because it's not illegal to cheat on your spouse but it is illegal to hire someone to kill them.




He wanted her dead for the money. Cheating was just an excuse. Anyway no one (man or women) should get killed for cheating. A person who is murder is worse than cheater.


he planned to kill her for the money not because he was cheating on him , he is not anthonhy hopkins in fracture , i guess the reason u feel this way because douglas is so good at being bad and platrow sucked a big time


I think the ending was just.

"Poor" Michael Douglas (Steven) was trying to have his wife KILLED!

Emily's boyfriend was a sociopath - and he was going along with Steven's plan to have his girlfriend KILLED!

Yes, Emily was an adulterer - but last I checked, murder trumps adultery on the evil list. And she didn't come out of this unscathed, either. She went through a horrible attack where she was almost murdered in her own home, and will have to live with that the rest of her life, as well as the fact that she killed a man (in justifiable self-defense, but still). She lost her husband and her boyfriend in a short period of time, and has to face the fact that the two men she chose at different times for herself were both evil!

So the ending was a good one.
