Unless you weren't paying attention, you would have known that MD didn't want his wife killed for being unfaithful. It was because she had money and her being unfaithful didn't help her case any. MD was in money troubles and she was richer than he ever was.
YES, THIS! People seem to be forgetting or just completely missing this very important bit! We weren't given much backstory to their marriage but from the few scrapes that we were given, I got the impression that MD's character was just as much conniving, manipulative and self-serving as VM's ten-cent con-man character, just with more Machiavellian white-collar polish. When people see young attractive woman with an older man, it's easy to assume that she married him for the money. In this case, it seems like it's the other way around. This isn't to say that MD wasn't relatively wealthy to begin with, just that it seemed like she came from serious multi-generational money.
I really don't think that MD's character would go through the trouble of killing his wife just b/c she cheated on him. A frivolous fling might have been an insult but it isn't something to commit murder over. It just doesn't vibe with his character. No, something much much bigger was at stake: Money, power, his career, his company, etc. That's why when he found out about the affair, he saw it as a timely opportunity instead of a devastating tragedy. So when the people on this board are arguing about whether not Gwenyth deserved to die b/c she was bored little rich girl, they're kind of missing the point. MD's character would've had her killed regardless, at sometime or another, if the [financial] circumstances necessitated it.