Catherine Keener as Maxine?

I'm sorry, am I the only one who thought Catherine Keener as Maxine was a complete miscast?

I'm not saying Keener isn't a good actress -- she's a wonderful actress. I just thought they could've cast someone more seductive and alluring to fit the character of Maxine. Keener didn't have that sort of appeal in her.


I thought part of her appeal was that she was brutally honest and kind of quirky in addition to being seductive. Lotte wouldn't have been attracted to her if she wasn't so brazen when she was talking to Malcovich on the phone and in the restaurant. I think another actress would have missed that part of her personality.

Did you have someone else in mind?


I thought she was spot on. She's meant to more than just seductive and alluring... But she did that and everything else perfectly well.


It's funny that you should say that, metanthrax, cuz I've always thought she was cast pefectly.

"...Magnolia is, for better or worse, the best movie I'll ever make."
- Paul Thomas Anderson


I've read that Cameron Diaz was supposed to play Maxine and Catherine was supposed to play Lotte but Cameron and Spike Jonze said it would be a good idea to make a "switchero" and obviously,it worked.


That is interesting, obviously having Cameron as Maxine would probably be the most conventional decision when casting for Maxine, cause she has the sex appeal...but it would have made it too simple. Having Catherine as Maxine made her more mysterious and seductive, like-wise with Cameron as Lotte who was more endearing and eccentric. This truly was the best decision, and it payed off big time.


I'm shocked people didn't like her as Maxine. I thought she fit the part perfectly. She was way more attractive than Diaz(as Lotte) so it felt right. I think if the roles were reversed like someone claimed they were originally going to be, it wouldn't have been the same at all. I think everyone fit their roles perfectly.


I thought Catherine Keener was absolutely brilliant as Maxine, perhaps the most well-cast of the movie.


2nd most well-cast... right after John Malkovich


I love the way that Malkovich was willing to play himself ~~ he had some great funny lines, like asking for periwinkle hand towels in place of a bath mat but settling for loden ~~ but I especially loved his skill at playing Craig during the time when Craig was occupying his body. It was a subtle difference, but brilliant. His "Craig's Dance of Despair and Desolation" (sorry if I'm remembering that title incorrectly) was great fun to watch. And the longer that Craig spent in John's body, the more he became a Craig-like dweeb.


You didn't find her seductive or alluring? I thought she was delicious.



I agree wholeheartedly. I nearly fell inlove.


Gotta disagree,CK was pressing all the right buttons in that role!



I think she made the best impression yet on me by an actress.

"No! I'm in Touch with humanity."
-Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


I thought she was perfect in the role too. Who would the OP have preferred in the role?


I honestly can't think of anyone better, the audience are not supposed to like Maxine, out of all the unsympathetic characters (basically all of the main ones are using John Malkovich for personal gain) Maxine, just seemed to be screwing everyone over - Cameron Diaz though?! i mean c'mon, that's miscasting.

After Making 'Magnolia' you said you'd probably go on to make good movies, but never one as good as...

Paul Thomas Anderson: [wry grin] Yeah... Stupid *beep* you say. The Only thing worse than being misquoted is being quoted exactly.


I found Cameron Diaz character was the only one I could feel sympathy for.
I don't understand how anyone can NOT like her, how in the hell was she miscast for you??
