MovieChat Forums > Starship Troopers (1997) Discussion > Men n Women Showering Together? N they t...

Men n Women Showering Together? N they talk ard like nobody's biz? WTF?!

Ok, setting aside the absurdity of women training with men in the same infantry unit, now they had to take it even one step further of having the female recruits showering together with the guys !!

I remembered checking out my friends' expressions after that scene when I watched it at a friend's house. Everybody had their mouths agape and had absolute shock and disbelief written all over their faces. Man, that look was priceless.

This has got to be one of the most SICKENING, if not MOST IMPLAUSIBLE scenes in cinema history man.

You've got a platoon full of kids who are just fresh out of school; you can guess with raging hormones; who are discussing their aspirations and reasons for joining the infantry while being butt naked; and talking just like any other day, without a care in the world...

Are you fking kidding me ?! Man, is this show seriously treading on the thin line of being a porn movie or what?

How can any guy, in the right mind, be bathing around a bunch of nude chicks and not have ay 6 inch "physical reaction" to that ?! And still talking like nothing is going on at all ?

I was imagining a total different presentation given the same circumstances if you know what I mean..

How IMPLAUSIBLE & LUDRICROUS is this !!! Are those guys on hormonal suppressents or something ?!

Why didnt somebody say I joined the infantry just so I could see, touch and lick free t*tties?! I would have signed up if I knew the army division had such privileges !!

Yeah, why dont the TV ads in the show just use that as their slogan? "Service guarantees free T*Ts" !!! Lots of young fellas would literally throw themselves right in !!

Now you know why Rico was so determined and eager to join the infantry ... =D

And what sort of crazy infantry unit is this ?! To brazenly allow male and female recruits bathe together ?!

I am surprised they dont have to deal with issues like increased cases of rape and sexual harassment than getting trained to kill bugs !!

What the hell were the filmakers thinking when they shot this ?!

And why werent there a shower scene of Denise Richards ?! DAMN !!!

This is just one SICK, SICK movie that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


This has got to be one of the most SICKENING, if not MOST IMPLAUSIBLE scenes in cinema history man.

I chuckled. But seriously, dude..

How can any guy, in the right mind, be bathing around a bunch of nude chicks and not have ay 6 inch "physical reaction" to that ?! And still talking like nothing is going on at all ?

I think a visit to a European or South-American beach might get preeeetty awkward for you lol.


I think a visit to a European or South-American beach might get preeeetty awkward for you lol.

Oh come on, GET REAL for one second will ya?

This aint a visit to the beach ..

This is the freakin' army for God's sake !!

You dont go to the office and expect ladies to be in their bikinis, do you?

How can an army have butt naked men & women bathing together and not have a problem with that?

Who even allowed it in the first place ?!

It is simply a disaster waiting to happen !!

The filmakers who shot this scene are truly SICK PERVERTED PSYCHOS.

They need professional help.


Epic OP!!

I'm sorry but I cant take this seriously, it's freaking hilarious!!!!


You dont go to the office and expect ladies to be in their bikinis, do you?

Well ... no, not on "Topless Tuesdays" at least, but my personal favorite is "Thong Thursdays". But don't think we're a bunch of sexist pigs, because the ladies get "Willie Wednesdays" and "Full Monty Fridays". In fact, the only day that the office isn't fun is "Mundane Mondays", when everybody wears full attire.

What kind of crappy uptight office do you work in, anyway? Hey, wait a minute ... you work for Fox news, don't you? That would explain your Puritanical hang-ups.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


"Well ... no, not on "Topless Tuesdays" at least, but my personal favorite is "Thong Thursdays". But don't think we're a bunch of sexist pigs, because the ladies get "Willie Wednesdays" and "Full Monty Fridays". In fact, the only day that the office isn't fun is "Mundane Mondays", when everybody wears full attire."

Oh my God... This had me laughing so hard!!! 😂🤣🤣🤣

reply asking him to get real is hilarious. th emovie takes place in the 23rd century.....the way tings are goin now....that scene wouldnt surprise me at you seriously had a HUGE over reaction to it

Emperor: Tell me how he died
Nathan Algren: I will tell you, how he LIVED.


Wow, I can't believe you're being so offended by this.
Personally I thought the scene was awesome it really added to the movie.
They were showering and bunking together and bonding and *beep*


Wow, are you kidding. They are mature enough people in the middle of a war. There is a time and place for sex and hooking up. Their world is totally different than yours. I dont know how old you are but if you get a boner instantly at the sight of a naked woman and you cant control youself you may have an issue.


Evidently you are ignorant to the actions of military men on shore leave! My father was a Marine, uncles were in the Army, my grandfather was in the Army, etc, they all agree, women DON'T belong with the men in the field.

Wasn't me


That was then, we're in the now and the film is in the future. I'd hope people would have grown up just a bit by then.
As for women not belonging in the military - Go tell this to the Russias sniper units!

The Spacehunter Forum:


You think we're grown up now, you are talking nonsense, you have no idea the problems that will arise when men and women are put in units together like that movie.

Wasn't me


No, I DON'T think we're grown up now and that *is* the point I was making.

The Spacehunter Forum:


You felt it necessary to bring up the Russian female sniper units, are you aware of the rape, sexually transmitted diseases that they had to endure, resulting in desertion and/or suicide! This will not change, I don't care how much time goes by, it's human nature, if that would change so easily, then why would be need a military!

Wasn't me


So I guess blacks don't belong in the military either, on the basis that there will always be racism too... right?
Also overweight NCOs and officers, stupid people, ugly people, Scousers, Tottenham supporters, or indeed anyone who can be singled out and abused for any reason.... right?

Yes, there probably will always be a comparatively low number of such incidents due to human nature, but no more (and often far less) than what you get in civvy street already.
I work in a predominantly male-centric industry with a structure of organisation very similar to what we had in the Army, yet we have women too, who use the shower cublicles right next to us and none of us have ever raped our co-workers during the 17 years I've been there... Sorry.

People do change, cultures do grow up and things do improve. If that weren't true, women would all still be in our kitchens, unable to vote.

This is a movie, depicting a level of maturity that serves the purpose of the story.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Ah yes, when you aren't getting someone to agree, pull a race card out, color makes no difference, it's pigment, that argument is invalid!
As for overweight, then you obviously can't be fit enough to fulfill the tasks required, ever had to complete an endurance test, unlike the police force, who doesn't mind fat cops who aren't fit for duty, when you are in a war zone, it makes a difference.
BTW in some military incursions, showers and other clean things aren't available, the male body can cope, female can not, you ever heard soldiers talk about not wearing underwear due to it rotting off or causing genital issues, thats not an environment where a woman can keep up. BTW, there are war campaigns outside a military base without the amenities you are enjoying, you seem completely unaware.
This is a movie, a form of entertainment, nothing more, it's about as real as the Surreal Life, or other reality show on television, none of it shows real human behavior. If you believe this could be a sign of the future, watch Soylent Green, could it be the answer to feeding us when we're overpopulated. Movies aren't a reflection of the future, not seen one flying car yet, and they were on the big screen in the 50's.

Wasn't me


Ah yes, when you aren't getting someone to agree, pull a race card out, color makes no difference, it's pigment, that argument is invalid!

I don't care if you agree or not. I'm simply pointing out the inaccuracy of the OP.
Pull any card you like, I gave multiple examples, many of which were based on history and experience. Go read the official US Army WW2 treatise about The Negro In The Army, where they spout BS about how lazy and unsuited to service life such people are. That is no different to the BS concept in this topic.
Pick any one of those I listed - There's always been someone who says they don't belong in the forces and always examples who prove them very very wrong.

As for overweight, then you obviously can't be fit enough to fulfill the tasks required,

Where'd you get that idea from?
What does an analogy within the topic have to do with me personally and why do you *assume* this is a projection of my own physical condition?
About the only person who'd agree with you on that stance is a particular PTI, but they say that about everyone.

when you are in a war zone, it makes a difference.

Damn, I wish they'd told us that when we signed up. That way we could have had some kind of PT or something... oh wait, we did.

BTW in some military incursions, showers and other clean things aren't available,

There are plety of alternatives if you think about it. Any fool can rough it. A good soldier makes himself comfortable under any conditions.
If that were the case, we'd not have had to shave every day.

you ever heard soldiers talk about not wearing underwear due to it rotting off or causing genital issues,

I know. That was covered in basic.

thats not an environment where a woman can keep up.

The AAC girls who flew us in certainly didn't seem to find it a problem...
This whole concept your relatives have of women not belonging in the forces is about as misogynist, outdated and inaccurate as they come. It says more about the society and the time period your father, grandfather and uncles came from than anything else.
Women have been fighting alongside men for centuries.

BTW, there are war campaigns outside a military base without the amenities you are enjoying, you seem completely unaware.

I am fully aware. But this scene is not one of those environments, is it, so your argument has no point.

This is a movie, a form of entertainment, nothing more, it's about as real as the Surreal Life, or other reality show on television, none of it shows real human behavior.

You seem to portray every single soldier as some rampaging sexual beast intent on raping everything in sight, so I would question your understanding of human behaviour.

Movies aren't a reflection of the future, not seen one flying car yet, and they were on the big screen in the 50's.

Space travel, portable communicators, lasers, teleportation... yep, all stuff of purest fiction... except that we've already developed those.

Oh, and as for flying cars - You're just not looking:

You can buy these right now, incidentally.

The Spacehunter Forum:


You saying that men raping their "sisters" is human nature is even more sexist than saying women do not belong int he military! Please do not insult men that way-I happen to love a few. It is criminal nature, cowardly and weak nature to rape, not a masculine nature. Stop selling men short.


Evidently you are ignoring the fact that that was the past and that this film takes place int he future! We belong anywhere we can perform as well as a man (some men are better, some women better-that is feminism-not judging by sex, but by performance). Sure the heaviest lifter will likely be a man, but does that mean that the strongest women in a group is not stronger than many capable men-no it doesn't.
Kudos to Paul Verhoeven for making another interesting, futuristic film (no matter its flaws) and especially for personally adding the idea of communal showers and infantry to the film to imagine a future where men and women truly act as brothers and sisters in the military.
This is in contrast to the present with the great deal of inter-military rape and cover-ups stemming from the *beep* that people (like your relatives) have stuck in their heads from over 50 years ago.Wake up.
A real man never rapes and never protects a lowly rapist under the guise of it being honorable brotherhood. In this imagined future in the film, obviously, the immature "men" who cannot handle seeing a naked woman in their midst without getting a boner or cannot work together and trust a female that has proven to be tough as some of the men apparently do not exist anymore-it looks like a beautiful future in that sense.
I love men, strong men, men who respect women and let us be feminine and let us be tough and especially my husband who I happen to cook, clean and just about everything for not because I am the woman, but because that is how I am.
By the way, I come from a family in which both grandfathers served in the military (one lost a lung in the trenches in WW1, the other fought in the White Army in the Russian Revolution) as well as my father and all my uncles. My Russian side came from a Cossack host that although being mostly patriarchal (like most of Russia), had no problem giving women horses, swords, or an education-they could all use these things just fine. There was once a female Russian soldier who pretended to be a man to enlist and was given a medal by the Tzar. The only thing that makes women not belong with men in the military is sexist people-both women and men (woman who are weak, but want to serve and men who think women should only be on the frontlines as prostitutes).


They were showering and bunking together and bonding and *beep*
Yes. I thought it was cute, actually. It made it seem more futuristic. And it actually made me like the characters more, like they were truly a team.

Probably (if you want to apply "realism" to a movie like this) (!) such a military would have had separate mens and womens showers, and then a bigger "I Don't Care, Get Over Yourself" one that didn't have a line.

Paul Verhoeven is a European director. I don't think this aspect really shocked him : )



This is from a Heinlein book. It happens in the Heinlein Universe. How could it be a surprise?


In Heinlein's book, Starship Troopers, there are no women MI troopers. Women are space pilots.

As presented in the film, the situation is much closer to Joe Haldeman's Forever War. In that book, women and men not only served together but had to sack up together on long space flights out.


They are just trying to show that in the distant future that everyone... men and women are equal in everything they do, even the military. That even their genders are equal. I thought it was pretty funny, actually. Not that serious at all. It's suppose to be a fun movie. NPH killed it!! loved him in the movie


At the time the novel was published, people would frown at the very thought of having blacks fighting alongside whites. Women are increasingly enlisting in the military. It may be improbable that women and men will shower together nonchalantly in the future, but it's certainly not impossible. Most of our dispositions to interacting with the opposite gender are founded within the environment in which we're raised, meaning that your rant is completely irrelevant considering the fact that this is far into the supposed future. In primitive societies people are naked all the time, without there being constant sexual tension for that matter.


Does it ever occur to you that the current day cultural standards that you think of as normal are actually quite arbitrary, and will very likely change drastically in the future?

...which is kind of a major theme of Heinlein's work.


I actually think this would work pretty well in reality. We've drawn artificial lines in our society that don't need to exist, this is one of them.

Maybe once you are past puberty and your first relationship you will understand, geskhan.

In Israel, female soldiers in the defence forces is very common btw.


Thank you. I know I'm late to the party here. But I've thought for a long that that opening a completely Co-Ed military would actually be a positive thing and start removing a lot of the issues we have with constantly keeping the genders segregated.


We had communal showers during my military conscription in the Swedish infantry, 2009. Now let me make this clear, the situation was not like in the movie but not so far from it either. We had 3 girls in my platoon and shared showers, that looked like a bathroom with booths without doors along a short corridor. On some bases there was curtains, sometimes not.(Curtains might be standard now, maybe they just hadnt implemended it when i was there.)

So yes, i did get to see an occasional pussy or two but the situation isnt sexual at all. During the first months your always tired and in a rush and after that you have more time and the showers arent as crowded and its all rutine anyway.

Just wantet to make a point of that its not at all implausible for men/women to share showers, in fact the military is probably one of the more likley places it could work. Sweden is quite high in the gender equalty thingy though.

Edit: Yea there was a couple of times when people had sex too, rarley within a platoon though as it might screw things up.


You were answering to a guy who's from a country where they still promote abstinence for teenagers and then are stunned that people aren't sexual maturing.
