MovieChat Forums > Dante's Peak (1997) Discussion > My 13 year old daughter was traumatized ...

My 13 year old daughter was traumatized by this movie today

She just got home from school and is still upset. Said that she started crying during the movie, couldn't stop shaking for the rest of the day. They sent her to the school psychologist who told her that a Volcano is like a Tornado. Uh, I don't get that, PLUS we are under a Tornado Watch today so now my daughter is even more freaked out.

Okay, so if you saw it (I haven't) are you surprised that a 13 year old would be traumatized by it?

Thanks for any insight.



When I was 8, I saw this movie for the first time and it really freaked me out, but I was a little kid at the time, not a young teen. We were vacationing in Ohio when I saw it on TV in our hotel room. And the entire way home to Toronto, Canada, we passed A LOT of escarpments, which I panicked over because, no matter how much my mother said otherwise, I believed they were volcanoes. But now I'm 14 and it's one of my favourite movies.

The midget I'm dating could be my daughter! ~Denny Crane


The only way this movie should freak someone out is if you lived in a town much like the town displayed..and it was recently nominated the second most something something of a city...And it was near a dormant volcano. If anything else this should be a casual fascination of a screening.


i was 6 or 7 when i first saw it
i wouldnt say i was 'traumatized' but i know my dad spent a very long time explaing the scene where the Grandma sacrifices herself for her family to me
i really didnt get it and it scared me
but by 13, most kids are already watching R-rated horror (American R, that is) films at sleepovers
so i dont think a PG movie should traumatize a 13 year old...

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I saw and loved this movie when I was 6 or 7 as well. I'm 17 now and still love this movie. Everytime I went to my grandmother's(she owns the movie), I would watch it and not only that, I would get a bunch of paper and draw volcanoes on them throughout the movie. :)



she's 15 now.


This thread seems familiar????


I was 10 when i first watched this and i wasn't traumatized. Yeah i was a little creeped out with the granny jumping into the river at that time but it wasn't traumatizing.


Erm, I saw it in theaters when I was 7. I might have found the movie scary, but nothing that left me traumatized after the fact. Actually, it really didn't leave me scared after I left the theatre, I don't think. And considering that I live (and lived at the time) in a state that actually has volcanos (Alaska), I might have actually had reason to be terrified after the fact.

No, the only thing that's stuck with me through until today was the scene with the skinny dippers dead in teh water, and the parents covering the kids' eyes.

So, yeah, I've not seen it since I was seven, but given that it didn't have much of an affect on me then, I am surprised that a 13 year old would react so badly to it.




I know this is an old topic but I can't help leaving a reply.

I seen this movie when I was about 7 at a friends house, and I was scared the rest of the night and most of the next day. Every time I watch this movie I get a little scared at the idea. I'm 20 years old, and sitting down watching it now.

Now I think I kinda have the right to be a little scared by movies like this because I live in a very small town, on a small island where we have no big natural disasters. Never had an Earthquake, Tsunami, Drought, Tornado, or a Volcanic eruption. We have never even had an Epidemic, at least that I know of. The idea of people going through these things freaks the hell out of me because I picture myself in their place and since around here we aren't taught what to do in a natural disaster it's very frighting. I can't wrap my mind around living in an area where these things are known to happen, how to people sleep at night in those area's. I think had I gone though a natural disaster, movies like this wouldn't get to me as much.

It's not the movie itself that freaks me out, it's the idea of this happening to people in real life.


I watched this when I was 9 and didn't find it scary at all, however when they discover the 2 dead bodies creeped me out a lot.... but i guess i dont get scared easily, being introduced to Scream, at 7 years old after taking it from my Mums room and watching it. :)


