MovieChat Forums > Dante's Peak (1997) Discussion > Big Big Big Mistake In The Movie!!!

Big Big Big Mistake In The Movie!!!

Rachel (Linda Hamilton) Invites Harry (Pierce Brosnan) For Dinner, afterwards he plays games and does tricks to entertain the kids and after him and Rachel
go outside to talk. There is a very big mistake done in this film, and I mean big mistake. Rachel states: "I haven't seen him (my ex-husband) in quite a while, tri six years, that's quite a while." she continues by saying: "I don't think she'll admit it, but I know Ruth (her ex-mother in law) knows where he is". How is it possible for Rachel not to have see her ex-husband in 36 years, when her children (whom she procreated with her ex-husband) are only 8!!!!!.
You can't say she is talking about somebody else because Ruth (her ex-mother in law, obviously her ex-husband's mother) is the grandmother of her kids!!!
How could they have committed such a big mistake?????


Ah, I get it now. Cause I thought she said "I'm secretly a man"

"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented."- Christof - The Truman Show


I watched this movie last night and remembered this thread. I remember seeing this thread years ago, back in 7th grade, and laughing. I'm almost a sophomore in college now and I still laughing at the OP. I feel sort of bad that this thread is still alive after six years.


You can't be that dumb! You must have made this just for laughs.




This ranks right up there with the person who asked. "Is King Kong based on a true story?"

So long and thanks for all the fish!


She said "try six years", she didn't mean 36 years.


6 years
