Stupid Fat 'fax' lady

I dont know about anyone else, but that fat black secretary sure ruined the movie for me. When she jumps off the plane and we get a shot of her in a parachute with her dumb grin, i was just hoping she would die


Easily one of the greatest laugh out loud moments from any serious film. Although this film is pretty funny in general, when Harrison Ford pops his head out from the cargo area I just lose it. Not to mention when he randomly uses his "Exorcist" voice. "Get 'em off my tail!!" haha classic.

These Great Big Rats Scuttled Off The Slave Ships And Raped All The Little Tree Monkeys


I love "token" negroes.


Best thread ever! I am gasping for air I am laughing so hard. Love me some good political in correctness. Keep the great analyses coming!



I was just curious who played the black lady in the film.


Messiri Freeman.




If you think that bitch is fat then u should see me!


^^Completely agree! She ruined every scene she was in.

Btw, this is the best posting I've ever seen!!


Most writers/directors have their fat black characters shot. Wolfgang Petersen tried to take the moral high ground and failed badly, judging by the popularity of this thread.


"Stupid Fat 'fax' lady" is the longest thread on this message board. LoL!


It was so unrealistic. There's no way parachutes can support that weight without a customized jetpack.
