Stupid Fat 'fax' lady

I dont know about anyone else, but that fat black secretary sure ruined the movie for me. When she jumps off the plane and we get a shot of her in a parachute with her dumb grin, i was just hoping she would die



Ahahaha... *insert much more laughter*. You're right, that was a daft moment and reading this thread brought the vivid and silly image of it back into my head. That cheesy grin nonsense doesn't belong anywhere outside a cartoon.

When the door goes down blow the blubs.



Hahahahaha thats hilarious. I agree completely, what a goofy woman/scene




The most annoying character on AF1 is the presidential cabinet member (or whatever) who supplies histrionic updates on the situation ("Vice President, it's him, he wants to talk to you!" "We have RE-TAKEN the plane!). I was hoping that dude would trip over a rise in the carpeting and knock himself cold! He was like Jar-jar Binks two years early...

But as for the black chick secretary, think about it - she provides the good guys with the means to communicate with the ground team! Okay, she's no Lela Rochon, but still, I didn't mind her character at all!


Actually, shouldn't we now be calling her 'Stupid Fat Postmaster General Lady?'


There seems to be alot of overacting/scene-chewing in the film. Like Dean Stockwell's character. He seemed more like a motormouth know-it-all. Like when they see the MIG's, he instantly knows that they're coming from a certain place and that the base commander was loyal to Radek.

I still want to know when Ford started doing his 'throaty angry voice' in films. When he tells Oldman's character 'don't ask me for something I can't give.'

I've heard him get that way in a couple other films. Sounds like he's coming under some demonic possession.

"I...Drink...YOUR...MILKSHAKE!!" -Daniel Plainview, "There Will Be Blood"


uruseur - - about your mention of the MiGs coming to get AF1... how did the mig pilots have any reason to shoot down the plane? I figure they were all part of Radek's plan and of course Gary O's character. I suppose they were to escort AF1 to an airbase once it was taken under command by the bad guys. So why did they try to shoot em down? Did they somehow get the msg that Gary O had been killed? Otherwise I'td be like "Okay, our leader is dead, so lets just shoot down the American plane with the president!" But the Mig Pilots wouldnt have had any idea, unless they flew past Gary O in his parachute! Plot hole, and it crated some cool scenes, but still. M<akes no sense to the larger plot.


They set off to shoot down Air Force One when their leader Radek was shot, they didn't give a *beep* about Oldman's character - he'd clearly failed his objective anyway or Radek wouldn't have been gunned down.

Edit: and the holding the President hostage plot was only to secure the release of Radek, once he was shot that plan was out the window so they wanted revenge by shooting down AF1.


I still want to know when Ford started doing his 'throaty angry voice' in films. When he tells Oldman's character 'don't ask me for something I can't give"

I am big fan of most Harrison Ford movies because they are entertaining, but he is more a "movie star" than great actor, his acting can be a little one note at times, and I know what you mean by his "throaty angry voice" as he did start to use it a lot in various movies.


When he reached middle age.


the trivia said they cut out scenes that would of explained why the Secret service guy flipped out. I think they should of put that in and just left the fax stuff out



Personally I found Dean Stockwell funnier. I have expected him to say something like "Ziggy says the President is still on the plane!"*

*Quantum Leap reference, for those of you who don't get it




I think white blondes are the real victims of the 'stupid' bigotry. So, its not really a racist comment. 'Stupid blondie' would be racist, don't you think.



No, the bit that ruined the movie was when Harrison Ford said about the cables "I'm counting on your red, white and blue". I wanted to throw up. Was the cheesiest line EVER!
