
I remember when i first saw this movie. I was about five or six. I feel in love with it (not knowing what much of it meant.) I wanted the older sisters entire wardrobe. But the only puzzling thing was virginity. I had no idea what they were talking about. The line went something like, "You steal my boobs, my boyfriend, and what next my VIRGINITY?"

my mom was asleep on the couch so i went and woke her up asking. "What is virginity?" she said something about marrige which made no sense to me so I went on a couple more years knowing nothing about the subject. This movie made much of my childhood.

one question: Was there a scene when one of the sisters wears a dominatrices outfit?


haha i was also 6 when i first saw this and i was confused too at what virginity meant. That was the first time i had ever heard that word and i asked my mom too. lol


When I asked my mom what a virgin, all she said was "Someone who's never been in love before."

WTF... that was pretty funny


haha, that one's great. Although it might have been funny when 6 year old you "fell in love" with someone and then told your mother that you lost your virginity...


yeah there was....shortly after the switch the sister in the "popular" body wore the same outfit 2 days in a row in an attempt to humiliate her to get back at her the other put on a black leather number that i think was a holloween costume or something. anyways yeah there was and it was a hilarious scene.


I think i was 6 too! I loved that movie so much. but stupid disney never plays it anymore. I remeber that scene too. it was soo funny!



I saw this when I was like 7 or so but I had watched Grease far before I watched this. So I had already known about virginity.

Crying is just an excuse to blow your nose on someone elses shirt.


lol. I was about 13 when it came out. I wish they'd show it on the Disney channel again. The other night though they did play Zeon the Girl of the 21st Century. I was surprised they showed that. They never play old Disney movies anymore. They are all new and lame.


this movie taught me what a hickey was!
lol. i learned that term at a very young age...
like a little bit over 4 or so. =o

scared huh?


haha same here! i was probably like 7 and i asked my mom what virgin meant. she said that it meant you had never been kissed. but i knew better because alex obviously kisses her boyfriend in the movie


haha I think that's what my mom told me too. I was about 8 when this came out and I just adored it. to bad the tape is going out. I really need to get this on DVD.


Just watched this again tonight. This scene reminded me of a similar scene in the tv show EIGHT SIMPLE RULES. In both cases, you had 2 sisters, one tall, pretty & dumb, the other short, not so pretty & smart. And in both cases, the "popular" one had managed to stay a virgin.

There's even one episode where, after finding out the younger sister HAS had sex, the old one taunts her repeatedly about different things by saying, "At least I'm still a virgin!"

This backfires when the older sister accidentally says it and it's broadcast all over the school's loudspeaker system. Suddenly, the younger sister becomes "popular" and guys are cheering her on for NOT being a virgin.

Oh yeah, also in both cases, the older actress actually played the younger sister.


lol Funny thread.
Although virginity doesn't mean exclusively sex. Its just something you've never done before.


OMG!!! the same thing happened to me! i was probably 7 and my little sister was 4. i already knew what it was b/c i had asked after i had seen hocus pocus. Then my sister asked me and i didnt think she should know yet so i didnt tell her. so she asked my mom and my mom didnt tell her... then she started harassing my dad until she drove him CRAZY! he said: YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT A VIRGIN IS!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SOMEONE WHO'S NEVER HAD SEX!!!!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT SEX IS??????!!!!!!!!!! then my mom shut him up! it was the funniest thing ever!!!!


my mom had told me a virgin was someone who didnt have a bf or gf and i was like"im not a virgin"and haha she looked at me weird ,sad to say i figured it all out on my own cuz my parents wouldnt tell me what a virgin was.


Haha I remember that from Hocus Pocus... that's another Disney movie I love :)

Yeah, the first billion times I saw it I just let it go like... "What is that? Sounds like a religion..." Then I found it (we had taped it) somewhere in a closet several years back, popped it in and went... "OH!" lol


thats funny I saw it around heh same age and I didnt understand either!
yeah it was that movie and romie and micheles high school reunion that I saw at a young age and wasnt quite sure what they were taking about when they talked about virginity
but I also didnt know that katherein whats her face was in that movie or roswell
funny what you later relize as you get older


I saw it when I was 6 and unfortunately my brother was with me, so I asked him. He didn't seem very comfortable with it...
Beware: The police is armed and on the lose.


Can you blame him? That's gotta be awkward.
Jack drinks jack, Jack drinks jack. Jack's got fans.
Catch ya on the flip side.


OMG! I was 6 when I first saw this! I always remember her yelling that, and I never thought twice. I didn't even catch on until I watched when I was older! I posted somewhere else, that Disney was so much more lenient on what they put on tv.

Also, did anyone catch the Midol joke?

Don't just dream; make it real.
