This movie was extremely boring, and I wanted to kill Jon Favreau character. I hate how he just whine and bitch in the whole movie. Jon Favreau simply can't act, he only has one facial expression (looking sad, as if somthing is stuck up his a$$).
Since the movie main focus was that one lame character, everything else didn't really seem to matter. The co-stars wasn't anything great, and nothing seems to stand out besides the constant whinning of that one character. Vince Vaugn in the other hand was alright, but he was not on screen long enough to save this mountain high pile of sh!t that goes by the name "Swingers".
dear r macken you must be crazy. Swingers is one of the best indie films to come out in the past 20years. it is at times a light hearted comedy and at other times a true look at dating, growing into an adult, and the value of friendship. once you learn how to spell, i encourage you to watch the film again.
Actually, I think the movie has aged fantastically, much better than almost any other American movie of its time. I don't particularly care about the Favreau breakup plot, which for me is incidental. It almost perfectly captures the time and place in which it was made, and I should know; I was there. The "lounge" scene of the early/mid-nineties was barely noticed, at least as far as the mainstream was concerned, so it's fairly remarkable that anyone should have attempted to take a snapshot of it as "Swingers" did. Most subcultures aren't afforded that kind of treatment, and if they are, it's long after the fact. There are countless details that would've been lost forever to anyone who couldn't recall them if this movie had never been made, from the wallet chains the guys wear to their cultural reference-points to the locations in which the movie was made. Take it from me, this is how L.A. looked and felt to anybody young at the time with any hipster cred or cutting-edge sense of style, retro or not. The only other (mostly white) scene in L.A. nearly that smart (in truth, it was much smarter) was the one at Jabberjaw; but that was an indie-rock ghetto, and the only semi-mainstream record we have of it, to my knowledge, is a little-seen documentary called "Songs for Cassavetes." This probably won't mean much to future, or even present, generations, who have an outright contempt for any periods except their own, but I'm glad someone cared enough to want to base a film around a moment that would otherwise be forgotten.
I love this movie because it is a guys movie. Now there are other movies that are guys movies, but they always have a subplot for girls to get into, this was 100% for guys and so much of it is true to life.
Every day I find someone else I want to extinguish from the bonfire of life. You are one of them. This movie is amazing if you have ever been in a relationship, looking to be in a relationship, or have friends. These are obviously traits you do not or have ever possessed. Good luck in the future. Maybe some day you will move out of your mom's basement or attic and actually have sex. Until then you can keep dishing on awesome films that everyone else in the world loves and think it makes you deep (the fact that you don't like it.) I pray that someday you get a date.
I thought the film was alright. It was quite funny in places, but I didn't see anything about it that really made it stand out from the crowd. A solid 7 in my book. I also think it's slighly arrogant to claim that if someone doesn't like a film that they don't "get it". Some people have different senses of humour to other people, comedy isn't entirely universal.
Despite the laughs and the fun "squirming" moments (I really enjoyed the phone call scene) I felt that the overall plot itself was just a bit cliched. It was kind of easy to see where it was going and quite a few jokes were a bit too obvious, taking away some of their punch. I would also argue that the lead character didn't really deserve his happy ending as I still didn't really like him at the end of the film either. I'd have prefered an ending where when he was on the phone to them both at the same time (a great example of a cheesy moment) he still wanted to get back with his ex, messed it all up and ended up losing both of them, giving him the kick in the ass which he needed to change. Something like that, I'm not a writer!