MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (1996) Discussion > Which actor is the best Rochestor?

Which actor is the best Rochestor?

I have been obsessed with this story for god knows how long, I'm halfway through the book - Finally have it as it was bought as a present :0)I own the '96 version and intend to see the others. Who would you say is the best Rochestor: Timothy Dalton, Orson Welles or William Hurt?

Yes I know in the book Rochestor is supposed to be dark-haired and a little cruel to Jane but I thought Hurt played his part really well
'Meet the new boss...Same as the old Boss'


Ciaran Hinds in the ITV version with Samantha Morton was good. As was Timothy Dalton.

Shove it up your own pimholes


Yes, Ciaran Hinds is the best Rochie-man (my nickname for him). This story has also stayed with me for years. The original poster (sorry, forgot your name!) HAS to see this version - it's on IMDb as "Jane Eyre" (TV) 1997.


i think that william hurt is the best rochester ...
Timothy Dalton was good too/..


im sorry, orson welles kicks all their asses as rochester. most swoon worthy man ever! the way he played it was just so perfect, and i especially love how at the beginning you dont think he'll work and then by the end you absolutely love him. william hurt was just too soppy and wishy washy and quiet...and blond. rochester cant be blond. orson welles was definitely the best.


I agree Orson Welles played the role perfectly and was also the right physical type to match Charlotte Bronte's description.


Timothy Dalton hands down. William Hurt was so old when he played this role he looked like a child molester, and had none of the life force of a Rochester. Also, through no fault of Hurt's, all of Rochester's wit was pretty much eliminated from the movie. The '96 version is dreadful and I do wish they'd stop repeating it on TV.

Although Dalton is too good looking to truly fit the part, he played it beautifully. And his Jane Eyre (Zelah Clarke) was the best I've seen, even including the divine Ms. Morton. Charlotte Gainsborough was so awful by comparison she doesn't merit discussion.


I agree. Dalton embodies the Rochester I had in my mind when reading the novel: impassioned and dark, he proves that he really can play the part.


Ohh I can't decide between Orson Welles and Timothy Dalton - if only there was some way of combining the two!!!

At a push though, I would have to say Dalton - I think it's in the eyes!!!


Timothy Dalton is by all means the best Rochester!I have to be honest and say that the BBC adaptation was the first that I ever saw.But since then I have seen all the other versions of Jane Eyre and none come even close to me.On that same note I must say that Zelah Clarke is the best Jane.Whenever I read the book I see these 2 actors...


I think George C. Scott in the TV version (1970) was best suited to the role.


The best Mr. Rochester's so far are IMHO....Timothy Dalton and William Hurt.



I'm torn between William Hurt and Timothy Dalton.


Cirian Hinds looks the most like Rochester is described in the book, but in my opinion he is too cruel and you soon get enough of his performance. He is very much overacting. Timothy Dalton is too good looking and he is missing the moustache Rochester has in the book. But his performance is the most accurate and you can`t help falling in love with him during the film. The Jane in this version is also the best.


Actually, my favourite is Michael Jayston. I have seen every available version, and this one which isn't coming out until next year. I was convinced that the character was just too difficult to be pulled off but I was wrong. Jayston could have darker hair, maybe, but otherwise I cannot find fault with his performance. There is something in his eyes when he acts that is magnetic- the scene after the fire cannot be described by me. He is subdued but that makes the tension all the more powerful- when he takes her hand, there's something like a charge that goes through him. I just can't describe it. Not to mention he is a delightfully witty Rochester, and as one reviewer put it "virtually makes love with his voice." He is not handsome, but there is something about him that makes him handsome- which again is so like the character. Very strange, but watching him perform is bliss.

My favourite Rochester from your list is Timothy Dalton. I disliked the first part of his performance- he didn't seem to be under the character enough, but he sure changed that in the second half.

re: moustachioed Rochesters, Mr Rochester did not have a moustache in the novel. 'Whiskers' at the time meant side locks.


Are you saying there's another Jane Eyre coming out??? And who is Michael Jayston? I want Alan Rickman for Rochester! *grumbles*

Can words go straight to the heart?...Can words be as direct as the scent of roses?


sophie_amundsen said:
Actually, my favourite is Michael Jayston. I have seen every available version, and this one which isn't coming out until next year.


I am with Carolyn. Is there a new version coming out this year? Television or film? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

I love Ciaran Hinds as an actor and I loved him in Jane Eyre. Timothy Dalton grew on me as I watched the movie. It took a while though. He seemed kind of mechanical at first, but by the end I loved him. It's been a while since I've seen the William Hurt one but I've ordered it so I'll decide when it comes in. I loved Orson Wells too. I guess each actor brings something different to the role.

For the record, I like Samantha Morton as the best Jane.


I've recently seen the Dalton performance and liked it far better than any other I've seen - though I don't know how much of that was Dalton alone. I think he and Zelah Clarke had the best chemistry, hands down.


Ciaran Hinds would be an awesome Rochester! I havent seen that version so now I must! :) But if they were to make a new one...I think Clive Owen should be Rochester. Some may argue that he is too good looking but I think he'd play the part quite well actually


Clive Owen -- now there's an idea! Yes, of course, he's too attractive, but so were most of the actors who have played Rochester, and I've managed to "look past" it for the most part :) Owen is such a good actor, that I think he would quickly make it more about his character than his looks. I think he could do brooding/intelligent/manipulative/angry/passionate/hurt all very well.
