Political Correctness.....

Seen this movie a few times, and I was just watching it on Encore. They removed all references to Islam and Infidels, why does Hollywood spend so much time trying to make compromises to people that will always hate us. That will behead you simply for not only, not being Muslim, but not being their type of Muslim.

Hollywood.....GROW A PAIR !!!!!!!!


I was just about to post the same thing. Now it's Yaffah's will instead of Allah's will, they are going back to Aldonia instead of Algeria, and they won't even say the word infidel.

Last I checked, those poor folks trapped on the mountain in Iraq weren't up there for the view. The movie made it abundantly clear that killing people isn't true Islam before they pulled this crap.

What's next? Take out J.T. Walsh's parts because he's passed away?

"Russians...so many Russians."---Col. John Casey, Chuck


Thanks for the back up, I assumed I was going to get my head ripped off by the offended by everything crowd. and I love the Blues Brothers reference. lol


Awesome! I'm not the only one that is annoyed by Encore cowtowing to the terrorist islamofascists!

Glad the first post about this movie I saw on here was dedicated to the PC crap the pay movie channels are pulling.

so lame. No "infidel" no "allah"! what, are they worried isis will come and behead the channel executives?


I am watching this now on Encore and I too noticed some of the horrible dubbing. No Qu'ran, No mention of infidels, Allah.


The worst offender IMO is The Sum of All Fears. Made right after 9/11, it completely removed the Muslim terrorists from Clancy's novel and replaced them with Neo-Nazis. Clancy was furious over this IIRC and is probably one of the reasons it's the least popular Jack Ryan movie.



I just finished watching this movie on Encore (Chicago area Comcast) and "infidel", "Allah", and "Algeria" were all mentioned. Maybe you caught some version that was censored for...well, I don't know what. It's Sunday afternoon so timeslot sure wasn't an impediment to what I just watched. Maybe you live in a "sensitive" area, population-wise?


I also saw the references to Islam & Allah; however, I agree with everyone's complaints about the PC nonsense. The American public has seen what radical Islam is all about (R.I.P. James Foley) & it isn't love, patience, tolerance & peace.

Why would Hollywood put out such crap when the public knows better? That said, I really like this movie. It has a great cast & plot & we even get to see Steven Seagal killed!


I have seen this movie perhaps a dozen times over the years and still find it engrossing. I'm watching it on Encore, and just caught the dialog edit - an obvious and deliberate attempt to change history, i.e. the theatrical and TV release to thousands in the public did happen, and it happened with the original dialog. I'm not saying this movie is itself a work of non-fiction, or explicitly historic, but to remove the word "infidel" and change it to "enemy" removes portrayal of a religious fanatic. In this case, Muslim, but there have and will be fundamentalist fanatics from all sorts of groups, religious or otherwise. The impact of a fanatic in the drama of the story is greatly changed by this censorship. I'm very disappointed in whoever was responsible for this.


If Hollywood was to really grow a pair they'd show the actions of another ME country that has a history/penchant for knifing the USA in the back whenever it suits their agenda.

Hint; In this country they don't worship Allah.


Plotting to wipe out half the Eastern seaboard doesn't make them look bad enough?


Glad I found this post at IMDB, it's probably one of the most logical places to launch the topic from. It was a little hard stumbling on it though.

I watched Executive Decision again tonight (it's been years) on EncoreHD (Comcast in northern Maryland) and I kept recognizing these edits. I finally walked away from the flick with probably 30 minutes to go as I was curious to find out when this nonsense happened. Searched for a couple of the original quotes and substitutions and found 2 (only 2) Google hits. I then searched the movie title in quotes with the word changed after... BINGO IMDB!

...from ScottDS over at

For anyone watching this on Encore (it's been airing recently), it looks like they've further altered the film and deleted any references to Allah, Islam, etc.

-"The belly of the Infidel..." becomes "The belly of the enemy..."
-"This is not Allah's will..." becomes "This is not Yaffa's will..." (in reference to Andreas Katsulas' character)
-All references to Algeria are changed to "Aldonia"

Everything is dubbed and with the exception of Hassan's #2 guy (the one who questions Hassan and gets shot), you'd never notice if you weren't familiar with the movie.

I absolutely hate this B.S. and if another event like 9/11 ever happens here again, God forbid, I will be among the loudest voices blasting this culture of "feel-gooders". Every logical thinking person knows that the likelihood of a replay (in some manner) is real. The moosh-brains don't understand that while most Americans are so impatient for every aspect of life to happen immediately or sooner, the truly dedicated enemies we face have nothing but time and will not be deterred by having repeated attempts fail to "become". They will keep at it!

Glad this topic "became" and hope the word on this one gets around!

Cheers All

"Pop quiz, hotshot." I say to each of the PC idiots.
Your nonsense won't stop jihad "...from becoming."
- Howard Payne = = = partials


Also look at http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=2965833 to see the censorship before the "cEncoreship" !
