Wow. An incredible display of lack of logic, coupled with ignorance and stupidity.
But let me answer properly - I wouldn't want to be one of those people who only write ad hominems without any basis.
"You guys actually sits and discusses IF a EMP hitted a car in an almost forgotten movie???"
First of all, why do you ask when you can find out the truth very easily by yourself?
Second of all, why do you feel the need for multiple question marks? Are you three times more baffled than other people?
Third of all - it's "sit", not "sits". It's "discuss", not "discusses". Also, it's "hit", not "hitted". If you are going to critisize people, at least don't embarrass yourself by writing bad english / incorrect grammar. It makes you look dumb and illiterate.
Fourth of all, even if you do all your discussing standing up, is no reason to think that's the only normal way to do it. Most people indeed do their discussing sitting down, if given the opportunity/choice. Why do you see it as a problem?
Fifth of all - you are no better. You are actually writing a MEANINGLESS, grammatically wrong, illogical, ignorant post, probably also sitting down, about 'guys who sit and discuss if an EMP hit a car in an almost forgotten movie', in that very movie's discussion forum. Now what does that make you? Do people with "life" often do that? At least the other people's posts make sense and bring something to the discussion - they have a point. What's the point of your post? That people shouldn't discuss about 'almost forgotten movies' in their imdb forums? Why are you even here? Your post doesn't give anything. It just tries to take things from others. Other people at least try to make their posts interesting.
Your post is only interesting because it is curious how one individual can have so many lacks, and display all of them in such a short post.
"Get a got damn life dudes!!!"
Again, three exclamation points. Is this really that important to you? Then I would estimate you have much less "life" than other people here. I mean, you find an 'almost forgotten movie', find it's imdb discussion forum (which is meant for discussions about the movie, but for some reason you would prefer people to not use it or use it for some other purpose), then find a thread about the EMP just so you can write a belittling, insulting, trolling comment - and you feel you have more "life"? Is that what you call life? Not being able to discuss properly, but wanting to write something and wanting to feel superior to others, you do the exact thing as you accuse the others of doing (that supposedly proves they have no "life" (which you conveniently do not even define)), except that your message does not have interesting thoughts, useful content, any kind of pondering AND it's not even really about the movie.
Why would the "life" have to be "a got damn" one? What does that even mean? Do you mean "God damn life"? Which probably means that the Supreme Deity has damned the life - why would you want others to get a damned life? Wouldn't a regular, uncursed one do just as well?
By the way, how about if there are female humans contributing to the discussion? They do not have to get a 'got damn life'? You are also missing a comma. If you really want to say what I think you want to say, it'd be "Get a God damn life, dudes!"
"Soo lowlife!"
You know, "lowlife" doesn't have anything to do with "not having a life", or having 'less life than you' (though by the evidence you provide in your message, I can't see your 'life' being any better than anyone else's - you are still here in imdb, writing something really stupid).
It means something different altogether - like a human being with no morals, etc. So in the end, you even provide you don't even know what english words mean.
Is this your first attempt at writing sentences in english language?
I sometimes wonder why people like you have to exist, and why people like you write the kind of idiotic troll-messages you write. I guess I'll never know..
But please, try to come up with something more interesting next time, ok? Maybe you can learn english, and perhaps you can become smarter during the years - who knows - with lots of effort, perhaps you can one day write a proper english post with actual point to it, that is not an attempt to make yourself feel superior to others, but instead brings something useful / interesting to the discussion / community? Do you think you could one day achieve that?
Neither do I..
By the way, here is the wiktionary definition for you, and I think it fits your description nicely:
p.s. What is this "life" you talk about anyway? Are you saying everyone here is DEAD? Don't the dead even get the right to discuss whatever they want? Is imdb discussion area TROLLING really more "lively" than actual discussion about the movie? If having a "life" means becoming like you, I'd rather remain dead. At least that way I get good discussions.