Favourite line?

I'd like to know what everyone's favourite line from the movie would be.

Mine is when Kevin was referring to Carman Swisher, "Those midgets seem to get a real kick out of her."



the whole rant Gina does in the store when she's with Willie and Tommy, it cracks me up!! a close second is at the end when Willie's leaving...and Paul and Marty speak to each other...the "neighborhood lolita" and "alcholic high school buddy $hit for brains" lines...very funny!


the whole rant Gina does in the store when she's with Willie and Tommy, it cracks me up

I couldn't possibly reproduce it here, but I thought Gina/Rosie's speech about men and women was the best!


"I...just...want...something...beautiful Moe."
"We all want something beautiful Willie."

"You a cop?"


This exchange kills me everytime.

MOE: Was that Tracey?
KEV: She Hot?
Willie: She's Nice.
Kev: Describe in numerical value, face, body, personality.
WILLIE: No, i'm not going to do that.
KEV: Come on... Do it.
MOE: Dont be, dont be vile guy.
KEV: Grow up moe. Do it. (BTW, this one line cracks me up because of the sheer irony)
MOE: You don't have to do it.

Willie then proceeds to "do it" and seems all into it after making a feeble attempt at maturity.

MOE: No wait, wait. We need a frame of reference.
KEV: I thought i was being vile guy.
MOE: If you're gonna do, do it right.

Moe is now sucked in after a better effort at maturity. As a 30 year old male, this scene is one of my all time favs because it captures that struggle between grown up and leftover frat guy mentality that surfaces given the right surrounding.


"Okay, you have blocked my first two sexual advances, so now I am going to dig deep into my bag of tricks; wanna go ice fishing?"

"Why did you have to tell her he's a musician, now I don't have a chance"

"So you can put your *beep* in my wife, but I can't buy you a drink"

"Guys, easy on the Stinky stuff, I'm a proprietor now"

"I got apps."

to name a few....

until then...


i love the part when Willie describes his gilrfriend's face, body, and personality as a solid 7.5 and kevin says "she sounds hot"
i always laugh...it's so funny


I know, Kevin makes me laugh. Are you under the impression that maybe he liked Jennifer Colton? I kind of forget the rating that Willy gave her. I think it was like Face & Body: 1, Pesonality: 3.



Hands down: "You've been eating retard sandwiches again". If you can't drop this one while playing poker with your buddies then you don't know a damn thing 'bout quotin'.


The whole scene ending with the "retard sandwiches" is definately the best! However, my husband and friends and I have a lot of fav lines;

"What Darian, no Sambuca this time? It's 5am Kev. Does that make it too early or too late?"

"I've got apps"

"If she can cut her own food, she's fair game"


..........and so many more! This is was the first time I ever saw Michael Rapaport...we just love him1


"Why did you have to tell her he's a musician, now I don't have a chance"

I don't think he said "I don't have a chance", I think he said "we can't compete with that."


Willie: I was jealous of a little kid on a bike, because he gets to be her age, and I'm this vile old man. Like that guy, what's-his-name...
Mo: Roman Polanski?

Every war is different, every war is the same.


This line makes me laugh every damn time.


Oh, there's so man. So many.

However, there are a few that have been in my vernacular for about a decade now...

"A beautiful girl can make you dizzy. Like you been drinkin' Jack and Coke all mornin'."

"I'm now going to check your refrigerator for human heads."

"You've been eatin' retard sandwiches again..." (I know...it's been said...but the line is that good. It's that good.)

"Two words not in her vocabulary...Lunch Money."

"I just want something beautiful."

And on and on we go. Now I have to watch it again. One of the great underappreciated movies of the 90s.

"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." -H.L. Mencken


"You remind me of that actress from MISERY"


"You remind me of Ally Sheedy. Remember her. She was in the Breakfast Club movie with the Esteves brother"

"Say, didn't you used to be Darian Smalls. Gosh, you were something in those days. But if you don't mind me saying, mean as a snake. You were mean as a snake."

My all time favorite, one of my absolute favorites in movie history is Moe grabbing Darian's husband, "You *beep* with my friend, you *beep* with me. You *beep* with me, you *beep* with you!" That may not be exact, but I love how uncomfortable Moe is with being threatening, but will defend his friend no matter what.

"Winnie got old, he outgrew him."
"That's the saddest thing I've ever heard."


i crack when Andera says "stan, six short ones" and Kev "who's stan?" jajaja


for me it has to be one of the last few lines of the movie...

Paul: So you're the little neighborhood Lolita.
Marty: So you're the alcoholic high school buddy *beep* for brains.

and of course the "... stay cool forever!"


I like when Willie is confessing his crush on Marty to Mo and Mo says "Billy, the girl was a ZYGOTE, when you were in the 7th grade"


I like when Marty talks about her height...and says "I just may grow to be 5'10...I'll be hot" They way she says it makes it great.
