MovieChat Forums > Nixon (1996) Discussion > Who Here Respects Dick Nixon

Who Here Respects Dick Nixon

I do. Nixon did some... Things during his time in the office, but he did some great things too. I think modern culture has shreaded the man up into tiny scraps and let fiction and critizim take over. If in school I am given the choice to do a biography on a president, I'd pick Nixon. Sure, I may crack jokes about him. But deep down I respect him a lot. I just think he is misunderstood from what people have done to his image. I think Nixon is a good president, and one of my favorites.

Who else respects him?


As a Democrat (but NOT a blind party line toting one) I have to say that NIXON the man was truly a dichotomous personality... a paranoid, insecure man who accomplished some TRULY great things. However, he could also be cruel, petty and vindictive as well as truly believing that he was above the law, ANY law.
Since the embracing of the religious right by the Republicans (Thanks to Ronald Ray-Gun) I dare to say that Nixon would almost be considered a LIBERAL by the current GOP standards.

After all, could you imagine ANY Republican today creating a government agency like the EPA !!! ???


Or any Republican who touts affordable universal health care?


I can respect any intelligent man. Regarding Nixon, as a person, I would have probably liked the man. However as a President I would have protested Cambodia along with many other decisions he made. Though I acknowledge that even the most outrageous Presidents deserve a degree of respect. It takes a lot of balls to step up to the plate and attempt to run this crazy country of ours. It's a tough job and for every person you appeal to, you will find another who will, without a doubt, loathe you.


Nixon was a crook ,and wasn't a good president like almost all of the Republicans. Except Lincoln. Name a Republican that has ever fixed the economy and made a surplus? There's not one. They all create economic problems among alot of other problems.


Nixon's certainly a fascinating figure, but respecting him? That's a bit of a stretch for me. Pitiable, maybe. Sympathetic, to an extent; he clearly had a rough life growing up that undoubtedly shaped him into what he became. But worthy of respect? I wouldn't necessarily say so.

In terms of actual policies, his presidency wasn't bad. His detente with China and Russia, and his arms limitation treaties, were admirable and certainly had long-term benefits, especially the former. His ending the Vietnam War (albeit belatedly) the right thing to do; to be honest I don't see how anyone could have navigated their way out of that mess better than Nixon did, given the state of the war when he took office. He actually implemented more affirmative action and civil rights than his predecessors, who had merely made them law; he had created the EPA and did more for the environment than any Republican President since Teddy Roosevelt. So, taking the man out of the picture, I could understand the revisionist view of history that sees him as a good president. Even on a personal level, he has admirable traits, lifting himself up by his bootstraps to become a business and political success, he was a devoted father and family man, and history has largely vindicated him at least on Alger Hiss, if not his general stance on Communist subversion.

But the reason he is justly vilified is what he did while in office and what he ultimately stood for. He turned the Presidency into a laughing stock; he acted like a Mafia chieftain rather than the leader of the free world, stonewalling and doing everything he could to obstruct justice when all it would have taken to fix the situation was to admit he had done wrong and apologized. The crime itself wasn't terribly important; the cover-up and its fall-out were the important part. It would be the better part of a decade before people got any trust back in their government, and who can blame them after Watergate? Coupling that with his complete lack of scruples, lack of self-awareness and rampaging ego, I think he's fully deserving of his reputation. He disgraced the Presidency, disgraced the US government and disgarced himself, and for that reason if nothing else he deserves to be on a short list of worst Presidents ever.

Let's kick some ICE!


It's possible to respect Nixon's ability and accomplishments, while at the same time acknowledging his slimy campaigns for Congress and the Senate, his enthusiastic participation in HUAC and his pursuit of Alger Hiss, and of course his criminal behavior in the Watergate cover-up. Nixon had the 1972 election locked up; McGovern was never going to appeal to Middle America, and campaigned ineptly, but Nixon still felt he had to stack the deck. His dishonesty about the war in Vietnam was as bad or worse than Lyndon Johnson's. The war lost popular support largely because people found out they were being lied to (by both LBJ and Nixon).

Like many people, Nixon thought he had high principles, but he took everything personally and descended into a kind of madness which destroyed his presidency. I've read several books about him, and I think the film portrays the essence of this.

I voted for the first time in 1972, and I was thrilled to be able to vote against this man, although I knew he was a lock for re-election. Many years later, I would still never vote for him as he was not trustworthy. He inherited a country that was sharply divided but instead of bringing us together, he fanned the flames of polarization and helped amplify the divisions. Reading this thread is enough to show you that basically nothing has changed in the last forty years. We're still having the same argument.

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.


Clearly he wasn't without any redeeming features yet obviously the main impression is of a deeply flawed, paranoid neurotic who had the capacity for greatness but was generally temprementally unsuited to high office.
I'm always amazed how many people bend over backwards to ignore these things and try to claim he was "the greatest leader ever" etc.
He wasn't!


Like many people, Nixon thought he had high principles, but he took everything personally and descended into a kind of madness which destroyed his presidency. I've read several books about him, and I think the film portrays the essence of this.

I'm not even sure how much I agree with this. I don't doubt that Nixon had personal standards and principles he believed in, but most everything he engaged in and advocated as a politician seemed to be for the sake of personal advancement and cold-blooded pragmatism. I'm of the school of thought that Nixon knew what he was doing was wrong, or at best shady, but just didn't care.

Reading this thread is enough to show you that basically nothing has changed in the last forty years.

Except that gays are not engaging in violent rioting, pro- and anti-war people are not fighting each other in the streets, and politicians and other leaders aren't getting gunned down left and right by madmen. So yeah, I'd say that quite a bit has changed.

"I do NOT want your tawdry tales of office lust infecting my newsroom!"



And dont forget he won the 3000 elections even if it was using the
robot vote and a gargantuan cyborg body! Nixons baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Its obviously humour in futurama but what do the posters here think
of tricky dicks portrayal in that? Wonder what the man himself would
think of his head in a jar presidentcy...



I have always had great respect for Richard Nixon.
In 1981 I read a book he wrote in 1980 entitled "The Real War". I wrote Pres. Nixon a fan letter then. He wrote back. Until he died we corresponded. He was an amazing man! HIGHLY intelligent, liked to swear (so do I, for the effect). If you read the Real War when I did you would have seen how that book predicted EXACTLY what was going to happen (did happen!) to the Soviets when they invaded Afghanistan. EXACTLY.

Richard Nixon was a hellofa better president than that slut Kennedy or that braindead Carter. Compared to the current narcissistic lying unethical ahole America hating oBUMa... Richard Nixon is on a pedestal 50 feet high. I am surprised every day that oBUMa is still here, and Nixon is not.

I will laugh out loud when oBUMa is gone, I will in fact through a party. Nixon 'a bad guy'?? HE LOVED THE USA. Obuma is a pigman who is NOT a citizen. (I was born in Hawai'i HE received a certificate of live birth, NOT a birth certificate.)

We need a president with the mental capacity of Richard Nixon, not the hollow-skull of oBUMa. The very idea that we gave a flying f what an ENGLISH guy thought of our President, was stupid.

I treasure my correspondence and communiques with President Nixon. I wouldn't read a letter from that stinkin' oBUMa, unless it was informing me of his DEATH. Then I'd celebrate. Even that idiot vp of his would be better.

As for Oliver Stone, he is nothing but a 'spin artist'. I have not yet liked any of his movies, including Born on the Fourth of July. I dated the guy THAT movie was about... twice, and as far as I am concerned he was a whiney spoiled brat who couldn't handle what life gave him.
Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.



That must have been something. I was born in 73, saw him leave as a baby.
And have been power drunk on political hoo hah ever since.


I just read something not long ago which indicated that Nixon was embezzling government funds for personal use and evading his income taxes, which got swept under the rug when Watergate broke. The more I learn about Nixon the less I like him, I've got to say.

"Earth first! Make Mars our bitch!"


Don't anybody kid themsevles, every president we've ever had has had dirty laundry.

Whitewater - Clinton
Marilyn Monroe - Kennedy
Prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor and let it happen (alleged) - Roosevelt
Prior knowledge of 9/11 and let it happen (alleged) - Bush 2

Nixon was the only one to actually take a fall for it though.

He accomplished a lot in 6 years, a lot more then many of our presidents did with 8 and the full support of the country to help them (Ike, Reagan, and Bush 2 come to mind in this regard.)

I'm glad this movie was made, it is a story that needed to be told.


Unsubstantiated conspiracy garbage is not the same as verified crimes.

"You know what else isn't cool, Bobby? Hell."


Nixon is my favorite President behind Calvin Coolidge


Nixon would kick Obama's head in, Nixon didn't like hippy scum ruining his country, I love that, hippies, even though they had some good points, really served the purpose of destroying what moral values we had left, they wasted away their "intellect" on drugs and partying, revolution came in the form of dumbing ever thing down and sexing it up, not actually trying to build a better America, but destroying it. If for that one reason only, Nixon was a good president, he saw how f-cked up the hippies were, and didn't want it to decay his country. I respect Nixon, he had his flaws, but don't they all?

Sheriff Joe came to Arizona to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and he's all out of bubblegum


For someone who ended up cheating and is not one of my favorite presidents, I respect the man as a person and a president too. He tried and fought hard, and there is respect in that aspect of his administration.
