MovieChat Forums > Nixon (1996) Discussion > Who Here Respects Dick Nixon

Who Here Respects Dick Nixon

I do. Nixon did some... Things during his time in the office, but he did some great things too. I think modern culture has shreaded the man up into tiny scraps and let fiction and critizim take over. If in school I am given the choice to do a biography on a president, I'd pick Nixon. Sure, I may crack jokes about him. But deep down I respect him a lot. I just think he is misunderstood from what people have done to his image. I think Nixon is a good president, and one of my favorites.

Who else respects him?


It is interesting to read all of the well researched posts here (mostly) defending Nixon. I did not expect the IMBd community to have such a depth of knowledge. It less interesting to read a few of the comments which were clearly the result of shallow research and a spoiled mind of the Hunter S. Thompson variety. All of which manage tie in a thinly veiled attack on the current administration.

One poster hit the nail on the head: he would have been the best had he not been caught. Watergate, which is what spoils the mood for the pseudo-intellectual, WAS NOT THAT BAD. Nixon was merely using the tools shown to him by JBJ and JFK circa 1960.

Acknowledge the playing field is not fair and free his legacy.

check out for a fun look on the great man that was Richard Nixon.


I have a great deal of respect for him. Opening up diplomatic relations with China was monumental. Same with ending the Vietnam war. It's really too bad the liberal media constantly *beep* on him (especially after he's been dead for fourteen years).

If anyone talked that way about JFK, the libs would be up in arms. Unfortunately, the last decent Democrat president was FDR (Slick Willy and JFK were nothing but hucksters). Though, Jackie O. was quite pretty.

I think we'd be lucky if our generation lived to see another president as great as Nixon.


"I think we'd be lucky if our generation lived to see another president as great as Nixon."

Your reply:

Ummmm. I would not go that far!!!!!


I think Clinton and the latest Bush were roughly "as great as Nixon". You and I might disagree as to our meaning of the word "great", though.

Let's kick some ICE!


I am too young to recollect what occurred while Nixon was President, but I suppose that if he were still around today and I got a chance to see him speak or to talk to him personally, I would listen to what he has to say and put great value in it.

As for the bad things he did, well, men are not angels.


I totally respect President Nixon. He did so many great things that were overshadowed by Watergate. Unfortunately his paranoia and low self-esteem were his undoing.

As Kissinger said in the movie, history has been more kind to Nixon than were his contemporaries.


If Nixon was a democrat his wife would be a leading candidate for the 2008 democrat presidential nomination.


I can't say I respect him, but I do pity him, I think the scene in this film that sums him up is when he says that people see JFK they see what they want to be and when they see him they see who they are. Nixon was a flawed person, but the devil that people try to make him out to be.


He committed too many crimes to respect or admire him. Cambodia alone is bad enough.

Not that he didn't do some good, but overall his impact on society/history would have to be seen as negative.

On a personal level he perhaps warrent sympathy. He obviously had many flaws and "demons", it's just a shame he chose inflicted them on the general public.



Why hasn't anybody mentioned his active involvement in destabilizing Chile's legitimaly elected president Allende. This has been overtly admitted on tape by Kissinger and by Colin Powell. Plus there is proof of CIA involvement in the murder of commander in chief of the Army, Rene Schneider who was seen as an opposer of a potential coup against Allende, this all lead to Pinochet taking over command in chief of the Chilean Army and 17 years of murder and hideous human rights violations, all because Dick and his crew couldn't accept a communist elected through a legit process.

Yes he opened relations with China, but not because he loved the Chinese or he was worried about humand lives, only because he wanted to win the Cold war against the Soviets.

So foreign policy guru my a...




Who Here Respects Dick Nixon?

Anyone who doesn't give two *beep* for anyone other than themselves.

Crazy people.



Another intelligent liberal on IMDB.

God bless Richard Nixon.


Nixon, the crazy sociopath? The man who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Cambodia? I donĀ“t like him nor that old frog Kissinger, who is one of the most wanted war criminals in the world today.

I don't read private messages.



President Nixon was a great man who made many mistakes-time will rehabiltate his legacy.


I having nothing but respect for President Nixon. He made mistakes that in a general sense were no worse than many of his predecesors, but the era in which he was President was a very troubling time for the country.

Nixon had great foreign policy success: He opened china, S.A.L.T. with the Soviet Union, and often overlooked Middle East success. His domestic policy was very progressive as well (E.P.A.,O.S.H.A.,etc.). I just recently read an excellent account of his life, "A Life in Full"
