MovieChat Forums > A Little Princess (1995) Discussion > Anyone in their 20's or older who like t...

Anyone in their 20's or older who like this movie??

I love this movie and I'm in my 20's. I got this as a christmas present last christmas from an aunt in a two-pack with The secret garden. I love both of them. The actress who played Sara did a wonderful job. I'm surprised she's not very popular.


Oooh I love this movie too :-) I also love the Secret Garden (the version with Maggie Smith). I'm not sure the acting in this is totally up where it could be, lol, but the kids did a good job considering. And it's just a beautiful movie anyway.


Yes, of course. Many of us grew up with the book _A Little Princess_ and we ancient folk love the 1995 version of the movie as well -- even though it changed things, it's delightful.



i am 20 and i love both the secret garden and this movie - i purchased the same two-pack for my best friend who also loves them. :)


"You're all talk, Hamill! You never even finished Jedi school!"


I'm 34 - and a fella - and I love this movie (in fact I love all three screen adaptations of the story as well as the book "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and also "The Secret Garden"). I grew up with the '86 version with Amelia Shankley and Maureen Lipman, while the 1995 version is now also one of my all time faves.

TBH, I was obsessed with Princesses when I was little (always thought I was the only little boy who loved Princesses, but have met some other male fans since) - my dad died when I was 6; I have 7 sisters and no brothers and I tended to mix better with girls when I was younger and had a lot of female friends too, so that probably had something to do with it, as I used to borrow their books and films, etc.

Perfection is boring - flaunt the imperfection!


I'm 38, 24 or 25 when the film first came out and I've loved it since then. I never get tired of watching it and I always cry when Sara and her father are reunited.


I'll be 23 next month, and I adore both this movie and "The Secret Garden". I love the magical feeling. :)

Darkness follows as the siren sings...


I don't think this movie should have any age limit. I'm 20 and I adore it even more than I did at 10. It's such rich, wonderful storytelling.

"All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust."


I'm 21, and i grew up loving this movie. Every time i end up crying


I love both very much to. I am 24. Although i watched them both as a kid too.

