I have a best friend..ok, tbh I had a best friend who could drink an enormous amount of alcohol in a short time. He didn't drink at all until he discovered vodka around age 25(1995) and he's never stopped since. I visited him in 2001 and the first bad sign was we went to a restaurant bar and he ordered 2 double jacks. He called me up blitzed out of his mind after the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated in Jan, 2003. For a few years after that we just emailed each other lol. Around 2010 his wife left him after he went on a bender and threw up all over her house. He saw the after effects, she was terrified - Divorce. His mom left the state he was in because she couldn't take it anymore. I visited him in 2014 and he never stopped drinking for one minute. He started turning into a monster in front of my eyes whereas before he had mostly been a friendly drunk. One night we went to a local restaurant, in the parking lot he went straight to a woman who was sitting at an outside table with her boyfriend and started hitting on her, telling her she was with the wrong man etc. It was so embarrassing I scurried inside the restaurant. Once he got to my table once again he gets up and goes to a table near us and starts hitting on another woman with her friends. I couldn't hear was he was saying to the woman, at least nobody made a scene. After awhile he came back and sat down and soon after that the manager came over and had a "talk" with us. I turned beet red, plus I was furious at myself for getting into such a situation knowing my friend was escalating his drinking for years and years. Later on he laughed at me for getting beet red, acting like having the manager talk to us wasn't a big deal. A year later I was passing through Amarillo and stayed at his apt. a couple of nights he went on a bender like Nic Cage I locked myself inside his guest bedroom. I drove him to the liquor store repeatedly, the clerks gave him a very sad look. I won't answer his drunken calls anymore.